Not a new topic, but special Thanks are due on Studio code

Thank you Craig Smith:

“OK, now go back to Interface Builder, and be absolutely certain that the Name in the Name: box at the top of the Inspector window is exactly the same as those in your handler.”

Thank you PCheese:

on should close theObject
   if name of theObject is "main" then
       set visible of window "main" to false
       return false
   end if
end should close

on choose menu item theObject
   if name of theObject is "nwind" then
       set visible of window "mywindow" to true
       show window "main" -- bring it to the front
   end if
end choose menu item

and a special Thank You to Kevin Bradley:

“I distrust morning people, largely because I suspect them of getting together early one day while the rest of us were asleep and setting up the rules of civilization.”

You’re welcome, John.