
I’d like to give my scripts the ability to look up the ip address of a URL, and vice-versa. Can anyone suggest a (freeware?) osax or scriptable utility that might do the job? I’ve searched here and the web, and all I’ve found so far is the scriptable application NSLookup (http://www.baylor.edu/~Carl_Bell/ReadMeFiles/NSLookup.html), which would have been perfect had it not been a Classic application.


Thanks! That’s just what I was looking for. I didn’t even know AppleScript could execute commands in the shell.

Yes, I’d much prefer an OS X solution. Sorry, could have made that more clear :slight_smile:

set theResult to do shell script "NSlookup domainname"
display dialog theResult

So when you say “had it not been a Classic application”, does this mean that you want an OS X solution?

for Standard Additions you can invoke any shell script by the command:

do shell script

pretty fancy huh

also look at system events :wink:


do shell script: execute a shell script or command
	do shell script  plain text  -- the command or shell script to execute.  Examples are ‘ls’ or ‘/bin/ps -auxwww’
		[administrator privileges  boolean]  -- execute the command as the administrator
		[password  plain text]  -- use this administrator password to avoid a password dialog
		[altering line endings  boolean]  -- change all line endings to Mac-style and trim a trailing one (default true)
	[Result:   plain text]  -- the command output

Class POSIX file: A file object specified with a POSIX (slash)-style pathname.
	POSIX path  'file'  [r/o]  -- the POSIX (slash)-style path of any file or alias object