NSMenu of Fonts in font

I’m trying to populate an NSMenu with fonts and each NSMenuItem in the respective font. So far I have this, but it’s not working

property NSMenu : class "NSMenu"
property NSMenuItem : class "NSMenuItem"
property NSFontManager : class "NSFontManager"
property NSFont : class "NSFont"
property NSMutableAttributedString : class "NSMutableAttributedString"
property fontMenu : missing value

on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(notification)
set sharedManager to NSFontManager's sharedFontManager
set allFonts to sharedManager's availableFontFamilies
fontMenu's removeAllItems()
repeat with a in allFonts
set menuItem to (my NSMenuItem's alloc)'s init
menuItem's setTitle_(a as string)
menuItem's setTarget_(me)
menuItem's setAction_("setFont:")
set attributed to (my NSMutableAttributedString's alloc)'s initWithString_(a as string)
attributed's addAttribute_(NSFont's fontWithName_(a as string)'s size_(14))
menuItem's setAttributedTitle_(attributed)
menuItem's setEnabled_(true)
fontMenu's addItem_(menuItem)
attributed's release()
menuItem's release()
end repeat
end applicationWillFinishLaunching_


Try this:

on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(notification)
		set sharedManager to NSFontManager's sharedFontManager
		set allFonts to sharedManager's availableFontFamilies
		fontMenu's removeAllItems()
		repeat with a in allFonts
			set menuItem to (my NSMenuItem's alloc)'s init
			menuItem's setTitle_(a as string)
			menuItem's setTarget_(me)
			menuItem's setAction_("setFont:")
			set myFont to NSFont's fontWithName_size_(a, 14)
			set attrsDict to {NSFont:myFont}
			set attributed to current application's NSAttributedString's alloc()'s initWithString_attributes_(a, attrsDict)
			menuItem's setAttributedTitle_(attributed)
			menuItem's setEnabled_(true)
			fontMenu's addItem_(menuItem)
			attributed's release()
			menuItem's release()
		end repeat
	end applicationWillFinishLaunching_

it works but for some reason all the menu items are disabled.

EDIT: never mind, turning off auto enables items fixed it