NSReceiverEvaluationScriptError: 4 (1) Errors

I’m working on combining a few vanilla AS Scripts into a Studio App, but running into problems very early into the build. I should also state that my experience with Xcode is very limited and I could stand to read a book or eight =)

Upon a button press Im simply trying to clear out the contents of a few text fields, but can’t even get one to work. I’m about 99% confident that I am naming everything correctly as I copy pasted object names into the script to avoid any spelling errors.

I’m trying to reference a text field within a tab view, of a tab (duh, lol) of the only window in the application. Here is the complete contents of the applescript… as i said I haven’t gotten very far yet.

on clicked theObject
	if title of theObject is "Reset" then clearUpdater()
end clicked

on awake from nib theObject
end awake from nib

to clearUpdater()
	set contents of text field "updaterRaiderField" of view "updaterTabView" of tab view "tabView" of window "swapsManagerWindow" to ""
end clearUpdater

i havent tested this but you could try it.

on clicked theObject
   if title of theObject is equal to "Reset" then clearUpdater()
end clicked

on awake from nib theObject
end awake from nib

to clearUpdater()
   set contents of text field "updaterRaiderField" of  tab view item "updaterTabView" of tab view "tabView" of window "swapsManagerWindow" to ""
end clearUpdater

I had hope there for a few moments… it worked, then quickly stoped doing so.

The first time after making the change the application ran correctly but I had this message in the run log

Everey sequential time I run it though it nevcer launches and the run log show this

To get the application to actually run I have to make any change in the AS and then “Build and Go” which will result in a proper run the first time (though not by the looks of the log actually), but will fail and future runs.

In case it matters I’m on a Mac Book Pro 17" using Xcode 2.4. Any ideas anyone?

I have an idea, quit Xcode and relaunch it… Hmph that fixes it.



Sometimes I get all pissed at all the freaky things happening on my machine, and then I realize I haven’t quit apps or restarted the machine for weeks. :o

Live and learn, right?