Number returned results in text document list

This script is basically for me to keep track of what I’m working on over the course of my day and saves it in one text document. It works fine, I would just like to make a numerical list. For example:

Thing #1 I did (Time and Date)
Thing #2 I did (Time and Date)
Thing #3 I did (Time and Date)


  1. Thing #1 I did (Time and Date)
  2. Thing #2 I did (Time and Date)
  3. Thing #3 I did (Time and Date)

Current Applescript is as follows:

set theAnswer to "I'm Workin on..."
tell application "Finder"
	display dialog "What are you doing?" default answer theAnswer
end tell
set myWork to text returned of result
set bodyFile to "Work Log.txt"
set logName to ("Volumes:Drive 2:mydrive User Files:me:" & bodyFile)
	set fileRef to open for access file logName with write permission
	write myWork & "	-->  " & (current date) & return to fileRef starting at eof
	close access fileRef
on error
		close file logName
	end try

Any thoughts?


It’s not good using the long date in the name of the file.

Edited: oh wait, you’re writing the date to file. Disregard.

Edited: you know something, I was just thinking about doing something like this. It’s like a diary or ledger in my case.


Still can’t figure out what you mean by numerical list?

Edited: think I know. You mean that you want to be able to sort it?

I think the best way to write to file would be:
(Time and Date) Thing #1 I did
(Time and Date) Thing #2 I did
(Time and Date) Thing #3 I did
Like Yoda. The date makes it sorted, but you need to use a short date with year, month, and day in that order. Then it’ll be sorted.
