odd textfield setting behaviour

I have a bug that I just can’t de.
this little bit of code

on tableDoubleClicked()
	if aTableView's selectedRow as integer is not equal to -1 then
		tell keywordField to selectText_(me)
		my setDoubleClickedSelectedRow_(aTableView's selectedRow as integer)
		set thisKeyword to theDataSource's objectAtIndex_(doubleClickedSelectedRow as integer)
		my setTheKeyword_(thisKeyword's valueForKey_("theKeyword"))
	end if
end tableDoubleClicked

works fine, unless I run

on addData_(sender)
	tell keywordField to selectText_(me)
	set newData to {theKeyword:theKeyword}
	theDataSource's addObject_(newData)
	aTableView's reloadData()
	my clearFields()
	my writeToFile()
end addData_

in which case it won’t work on the added row until I run it on an existing row.

btw addData’s two calls are to

on writeToFile()
	set FILE_PATH to ((current application's class "NSBundle"'s mainBundle()'s resourcePath()) as string) & "/keywordList.plist"
	if not theDataSource's writeToFile_atomically_(FILE_PATH, true) then
		set messageText to "There was an error writing to file"
		display dialog messageText buttons {"Ok"} default button 1
	end if
end writeToFile

on clearFields()
	keywordField's setStringValue_("")
end clearFields

When I log tableDoubleClicked when it’s working and when it’s not everything is identical—just the text doesn’t appear in the keywordField.

There’s a binding on theKeyword

And if I add

set thisKeyword to {{theKeyword:"ERROR"}}
my setTheKeyword_(thisKeyword's valueForKey_("theKeyword"))

to tableDoubleClicked():

	on tableDoubleClicked()
		if aTableView's selectedRow as integer is not equal to -1 then
			tell keywordField to selectText_(me) -- forces all fields to complete editing so that our properties are up to date
			my setDoubleClickedSelectedRow_(aTableView's selectedRow as integer)
			set thisKeyword to {{theKeyword:"ERROR"}}
			my setTheKeyword_(thisKeyword's valueForKey_("theKeyword"))
			set thisKeyword to theDataSource's objectAtIndex_(doubleClickedSelectedRow as integer)
			my setTheKeyword_(thisKeyword's valueForKey_("theKeyword"))
		end if
	end tableDoubleClicked

that cures it.
Weird, weird weird.
