I need to trim 20 frames of audio off the front of a bunch of WAV files.
I know how to iterate through them all…but i can not find a way to trim off the first 20 frames.
I was trying to use the select command to do a time range but i can not figure out what units it is working in. Then i was going to apply a trip to it.
Any ideas?
I don’t think you can select individual frames (samples), but I know you can select by seconds. Easy math if you know the sample rate of the audio and how many samples you want to cut. Let N be the number of samples you want to cut and let R be the sample rate of the audio:
N / R = S
Where S is the number of seconds you need to select.
If this is what you need, QT Player has a “select” command:
You can then take S and use the audio’s total time to figure out what to select. 0 seconds to S will select the first S seconds of audio; select from (total time of your audio - S) to the total time to get the last S seconds.