Open a dokument in Photoshop with applescript

I had a small scipt that use work Ok, but when I tried to use it some days ago it didn’t.

When I opened it and tried to modify it applescript complained that PDF didn’t have any “class”.

tell application “Adobe Photoshop CS2”
set myFilePath to “XXXXXXXXX.pdf”
open myFilePath as PDF with options {class:PDF open options, mode:RGB, resolution:72, constrain proportions:true}

end tell

Something must have changed since I wrote it. Grateful for your assistance

AppleScript: 2.3
Browser: Safari 534.57.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)

Hello and welcome to the forum

I don’t have CS2 installed anymore so cant test, the code supplied works fine for me using CS6
see how it goes for you.

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6"
	set theImage to "/Users/Boboslakke/Desktop/TEST.pdf" --Set file path as this
	with timeout of 300 seconds
		open alias theImage as PDF with options {class:PDF open options, mode:RGB, resolution:72, constrain proportions:true}
	end timeout
end tell