Open a folder a few levels down on a Windows 2000 share

:oops: I�m trying to open a folder a few levels down on a Windows 2000 share. I can mount the volume but Finder tells it can�t find the file or folder I want to open on the share. Thanks in advance.

Tell application �Finder�
If not (exists �shared�) then
Mount volume �smb://user:password@server/share�
End if
Open �share:folder:folder1:folder2:file�
End tell

I also tried to just open the folder:
Open �share:folder:folder1:folder2�

This works fine here:

mount volume "smb://user:password@server/share"
		alias "share:"
		exit repeat
	end try
end repeat
tell application "Finder" to open alias "share:folder:file.txt"

:smiley: That did the trick. Thanks much.

Could you do me a huge favor? Could you tell me what happens if you try changing smb to afp?


Mount volume “smb://user:password@server/share”

changes to

Mount volume “afp://user:password@server/share”


I did my tests mounting a volume via afp in a local network :wink:

Thanks for testing that jj. At least now there’s hope!

I’m mounting a volume on a Win2003 Server. If I mount via SMB, everything works great.


When I change the “SMB” to “AFP”, unmount the server, and run the script again, the Microsoft UAM login dialog pops up asking for a password.


There’s not going be be anyone around to enter a password because it’s a batch workstation script.

And I can’t use SMB because I’m going to be creating aliases to the files I’m moving to the server, and they won’t work for users who connect manually (and get an AFP connection.)

Do you think there’s some sort of security setting turned on in the server here that you don’t have? Something that expects a certain kind of password encryption, perhaps?

Thanks again.

No idea… I’m testing in a private network… That is, from my iMac to my G4 :lol:
You can try the alternate syntax:

mount volume "afp://" as user name "john" with password "doe"

Quoting the FAQ, “Some users have reported problems when using passwords longer than 8 characters and trying to connect from OS 9 to a OS X machine.”. Maybe something similar? Is it a long password, or does it contain special characters, or something?