Open InDesign Document in CS6 not CC

Hi There

I hope you can help me with this Problem.
I would like to know, how can I open an InDesign Document in InDesign CS6, even when InDesign CC is active?

Thank you for your help

Kind regards


you could use this syntax

set pathToIndesignCS6 to (path to applications folder as text) & "Adobe InDesign CS6:Adobe InDesign"
tell application "Finder"
	open file "disk:path:to:file.indd" using pathToIndesignCS6
end tell

StefanK’s solution will work just fine, but here is another one using do shell script:

do shell script "open -a path/to/application path/to/file"

That’s already it. If you wan’t to use an application that uses spaces in the filename, be sure to use ’ before and after the path such as ‘path/to/app lication’


Thank you very much guys! It works perfect!

Is there a way, I can tell InDeisgn to ignore Alerts by opening the document?

thank you very much

Hi Marth,

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
set user interaction level of script preferences to never interact
open file pDocumentoPath
end tell

About previous post and space inside pathname use the AS command quoted form of to escape correctly spaces and others.

Stefano - Ame