I recommend to retrieve the default browser explicitly
set defaultBrowser to default_browser()
tell application defaultBrowser to open location "http://www.yahoo.com"
on default_browser()
set dB to (do shell script "defaults read com.apple.LaunchServices | grep 'http;' | cut -d \\\" -f 2")
on error -- if not listed, then the system default
set dB to "com.apple.safari"
end try
tell application "Finder" to return (get name of (application file id dB))
end default_browser
Yes - if it’s just an Application Bundle’ it does the right thing.
Only when packaged via Package Maker (which is then put into a DMG) & installed does it always go to Safari.
Hey I’m all for it - of course there’s the more boring: ‘"’ as well (single quotes around " )
thanks again - BTW this forum REALLY rocks & I’ve learned tons here. It’s been goofy coming from a perl background but this is by far my main applescript resource. thanks again,