Open PDF

Can someone look at this and see if they can help me out my pdf file does not open.
All I am trying to do is open and save multiple files from a selected folder.
Problem is at the open i

set SourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose")
	tell application "Finder"
		set pdf_files to (files of entire contents of SourceFolder whose file type is "pdf") as alias list
		tell application "Acrobat 5.0"
			display dialog "here"
			repeat with i in pdf_files
				open i
				display dialog "Need to open File and save as EPS"
				save front document using EPS Conversion to file SourceFolder with binary, embedded fonts, images, preview and TrueType
				close front document
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
on error err
	display dialog err
end try

Acrobat probably wants a path name, not a file alias. Try using

open (i as string)

to see if that works.

Tried this and it didn’t work either.
For some reason it doesn’t like repeat with i
so could it be file type “PDF”
Maybe need to use file identifier {"CARO, “prvw”}
How would that work
Any other suggestions?

Another approach that you could use is to get the Finder to open the document:

repeat with i in pdf_files
               tell application Finder to open i using application "Acrobat 5.0"
               display dialog "Need to open File and save as EPS"
               save front document using EPS Conversion to file SourceFolder with binary, embedded fonts, images, preview and TrueType
               close front document
           end repeat