Open Photoshop files in reverse name order

I work with a large number of Adobe Photoshop CS2 files, and it would improve my workflow a lot to have them open in reverse name order, so that, for example, 01 will be on the top and 20 on the bottom.

I found a couple of scripts online that may help, unfortunately I don’t know enough to edit them to make them work for me.

This should be easy, I would think. But it’s beyond me.

The script I’m trying to edit is:

	To compare on things OTHER than name, you can define your very OWN comparator function
	as follows:

script MyComparator
	on GreaterThan(f1, f2)
		return true if f1 IS GREATER THAN f2 for whatever attributes you happen to be comparing
	end GreaterThan
end script

	Then, the call to InsertInList() will look like this:
set newList to InsertInList(newList, aFile, MyComparator)

script NameComparator
	on GreaterThan(f1, f2)
		tell application "Finder"
			set n1 to name of item f1
			set n2 to name of item f2
		end tell
		return n1 > n2
	end GreaterThan
end script

script ReverseNameComparator
	on GreaterThan(f1, f2)
		tell application "Finder"
			set n1 to name of item f1
			set n2 to name of item f2
		end tell
		return n2 > n1
	end GreaterThan
end script

on open theFiles
	set newList to {}
	repeat with aFile in theFiles
		-- Use ReverseNameComparator so we open the first file ("A") after the others ("B", "C"...)
		set newList to InsertInList(newList, aFile, ReverseNameComparator)
	end repeat
	repeat with aDifferentFile in newList
		tell application "TextEdit" to open aDifferentFile
	end repeat
end open

on InsertInList(theList, theFile, theSortingComparator)
	set listCount to number of items in theList
	set theIndex to 1
	repeat with theIndex from 1 to listCount
		if (GreaterThan(item theIndex of theList, theFile) of theSortingComparator) then
			-- When we find an item in the list > the item we wish to insert,
			-- then we know we should insert the item at i.
			exit repeat -- we just exit, and we'll use the value of theIndex to determine where to insert.
		end if
	end repeat
	if (theIndex is 1) then
		set theList to {theFile} & theList
	else if (theIndex is listCount) then
		set theList to theList & {theFile}
		set theList to (items 1 thru (theIndex - 1) of theList) & {theFile} & (items theIndex thru listCount of theList)
	end if
	return theList
end InsertInList

Model: Dual 1.8 GHz Power PC G5
AppleScript: 2.1.1
Browser: Safari 419.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

if all you need to do is to reverse a list then something like this will do it!

set mylist to {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

set mynewlist to {}
repeat with this_item in mylist
	set mynewlist to this_item & mynewlist
end repeat

choose from list mynewlist


Will that open the files then?

Or just create a text list of the files?

Can you tell I’m a total noob?

Model: Dual 1.8 GHz Power PC G5
AppleScript: 2.1.1
Browser: Safari 419.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

the script below will get a list of every item in a folder of your choice it will then reverse that list and open the items in Photoshop.
Providing all the items in the folder are images that Photoshop can open, and your images are in the correct name order in the folder then it will open the first item in that folder last.

set source_folder to choose folder

tell application "Finder" to set mylist to every item of source_folder

set mynewlist to {}
repeat with this_item in mylist
	set mynewlist to (this_item as alias) & mynewlist
end repeat

repeat with this_image in mynewlist
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
		open this_image
	end tell
end repeat

Hope this helps?

This really helps!

I was envisioning selecting images in a window (say the first 25 out of a 100) and dragging them to a droplet and then they would open in order… but this will work for me… I’ll just divvy things up in a couple of sub folders.

AppleScript is hard!

Thanks so much!

Model: Dual 1.8 GHz Power PC G5
AppleScript: 2.1.1
Browser: Safari 419.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

glad this helps.
Applescript does seem difficult to start with but once you’ve written a few, things start to fall into place.
If you need any further help then just let me know!

Hi Nik,

much easier :wink:

set mylist to {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
set mynewlist to reverse of mylist

choose from list mynewlist

Hi Stefan,
Surely it can’t be that simple :o
Nik :smiley:

Hi Stefan,
will that also work with a“z sorting?

reverse changes a specified list to its reverse order, nothing else