I know what I have is not correct. Surely there must be simple method to covert all paragraph text to optical kerning within a “selection” or the parent frame of selected text or insertion point.
The problem I am facing is I eventually want my script to work on any selected objects. This would include a selection that contains the combination of grouped objects, a few single text frames, polygons, etc. But I also would like it to work on a text frame that only contains an insertion point where it then applies optical kerning to the “entire” parent story?
Can anybody assist me with this?
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
set aDoc to active document
tell aDoc
set myText to object reference of every paragraph of every story of selection
set myText to paragraph i of the selection
set kerning method of myText to "Optical"
end tell
end tell
Hi, Jeff. All InDesign text descends from stories, so there is no need to reference paragraphs. Text can also be changed document-wide, sans selection, via the story object. If you just really want a selection, then target the parent story.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"'s document 1
if selection is not {} then try
set selection's parent story's kerning method to "Optical"
on error
if selection's class is group then set selection's text frames's parent story's kerning method to "Optical"
end try
end tell
Thank you Marc,
I appreciate the help and explanation. But I still struggle when the selected objects become “complicated”. For example, assume I have two text frames that are grouped, and then another group of two text frames, and then one regular text frame. All three objects are then selected. My goal is to have all text of each text from to be converted to optical kerning.
Presently your code is only working if the selected object is a single group or a basic text frame.
Does this make sense?
I was hoping I didn’t have to set up a bunch of repeat loops to get around this dilemma? Do you know what I mean?
This is the best I could do. It only works on one group that contains sub groups. What I cannot figure out is how to have it work on a selection that might have a selection such as:
Selection = ( group & group ), whereas each group might have sub groups of text frames
Selection = (group & single text frame), whereas the group might have sub groups.
on myGroup(itemx)
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"'s document 1
repeat with i from 1 to count of text frames in itemx
set itemx's text frame i's parent story's kerning method to "Optical"
end repeat
on error
repeat with i from 1 to count of groups in itemx
set itemx to group i of itemx
my myGroup(itemx)
end repeat
end try
end tell
end try
end myGroup
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"'s document 1
if selection is not {} then try
set selection's parent story's kerning method to "Optical"
on error
if selection's class is group then set selection's text frames's parent story's kerning method to "Optical"
on error
repeat with i from 1 to count of groups in selection
set itemx to group i of selection
my myGroup(itemx)
end repeat
end try
end try
end tell
Obviously, I don’t know how to use subroutines correctly, because no matter what I attempt I cannot get it to convert all the text frames to optical kerning when there are multiple groups and text frames as part of the selection
I only anticipated one group and some loose items, rather than grouped groups.
Edit: The original code for this post had an errant if consideration. This version works for single items, groups with single items, and grouped groups.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"'s document 1
if selection is not {} then repeat with anItem in selection
tell anItem to try
set parent story's kerning method to "Optical" --loose text frames
on error
if its class is group then
set all page items's text frames's parent story's kerning method to "Optical" --grouped groups
end try
set text frames's parent story's kerning method to "Optical" --singular groups
end try
end if
end try
end repeat
end tell
I am extremely appreciative of all your help as always. This simple script was more daunting for me than some of the seemingly more involved scripts. The attached script appears to work in all instances. It required the need to loop in each item of of each item of selection as well.
Thanks once again,
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"'s document 1
if selection is not {} then repeat with anItem in selection
tell anItem to try
set parent story's kerning method to "Optical"
on error
set all page items's text frames's parent story's kerning method to "Optical"
end try
repeat with i from 1 to count of items in anItem
set newItem to item i of anItem
set newItem's text frames's parent story's kerning method to "Optical"
end try
end repeat
end try
end repeat
end tell