ok… Now I just realized that there is an addition email (from paypal) that I need to extract information from-- and from the looks of it, this is going to be much more difficult to extract data from… So any thoughts would be greatly appreciated…
Here is a paypal email-- I need to extract the email address, name, and address… How would you recommend doing this?
Begin forwarded message:
From: "mitch@mitchwalker.net" <mitch@mitchwalker.net>
Date: June 24, 2005 3:54:03 AM PDT
To: Patrick Collins <patrickco@aol.com>
Subject: Item #001 - Notification of Payment Received from Mitch Walker (mitch@mitchwalker.net)
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Protect Your Account Info
Make sure you never provide your password to fraudulent websites.
To safely and securely access the PayPal website or your account, open a new web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Netscape) and type in the PayPal URL to be sure you are on the real PayPal website.https://www.paypal.com/us/) to be sure you are on the real PayPal site.
PayPal will never ask you to enter your password in an email.
For more information on protecting yourself from fraud, please review our Security Tips at https://www.paypal.com/us/securitytips
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Protect Your Password
You should never give your PayPal password to anyone, including PayPal employees.
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Dear Cameron Shayne Johnson,
This email confirms that you have received a credit card payment from Mitch Walker(mitch@mitchwalker.net).
View the details of this transaction online
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Payment Details
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Total Amount:
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$18.44 USD
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U.S. Dollars
Transaction ID:
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Sales Tax:
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$0.00 USD
Total Shipping:
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$3.45 USD
Item/Product Name:
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Piano Beginning Practice DVD
Item/Product Number:
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Mitch Walker
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Shipping Information
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Mitch Walker
34 Tonya Drive
Amherst, NY 14236
United States
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Address Status:
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With Love and Respect
Patirck Collins
Founder & Creator