OSX and Macsql framework

Hi all,
Im new to forms etc, keep myself to myself etc, but the lack of detailed info on using the macsql framework in applescript has driven me to desperate measures. Expose my ignorance in public!
Is there anybody using this framework rather than just acknowledging its existance?
I need help in determining what objects, methods and properties there are in the framework.
Couldn’t open a script dictonary, The developers guide pdf only goes so far and the given examples are all trivial. I also have questions about its compatibility with OSX tiger and with the passing of date values to a mysql database.
I just need a programmer head to bang against!
If you’re out there help!!

hi Riverman,

I’m not sure this will help you, as I don’t know much about MacSql Framework. However as a suggestion/alternative, you might try out Kevin Meaney’s mysql4AppleScript 0.3b.

There are a few variables/functions available to it. For example, I use it to pull email addresses from Entourage directly into Sql.

I’m running Panther 3.9, however I would think it would work fine for you under Tiger.

I recognize this doesn’t address your original question, so perhaps someone else can chime in. However in the meantime you might try it out.

HTH! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the prompt reply.
I downloaded the scripts and checked them out.
Yes they work fine with tiger and follow the lines of work I had already done ie driving the database by sending a series of mysql commands via “do shell script”
What I like about the Macsql framework is the palette tools added to interface builder which reduce so much of the drudge of lowlevel coding.
I guess I will just have to more patient and wait until the people at runtime labs come back on line after they recover from the damage done by “Rita”
Thanks again

You’re quite welcome. In fact, some of the guys may choke that I was able to reply at all. :rolleyes:

Ok, cool - glad to hear it.

I’ve never had the opportunity to play with MacSql. I’ve resided mysql to using both Cocoa MySql and YourSql, although none of them are directly scriptable.

Damn, I hate to hear that. :frowning:

Hope they get back up soon, as well as getting your project working … well. :cool:

Check out the Macsql framework potentially it looks superb. A lot of people seem to think it vary expensive but they are getting confused between the MacSQL frontend sql database management tool and the programmer’s framework. I downloaded the disk image from their site and as far as I can make out you only pay when you want to embed it and go commercial.
I posted into the applescript studio & xcode forum and wouldn’t mind your comments because I dont know if the problem I see in that post is me or with interface builder!
Anyway thanks again.