Outlook 2011 Message Content Line Spacing Issue; Hidden Double Spacing

I’m writing an Applescript for Outlook to generate a form in an email that we can fill in easily. I want a single-spaced bolded list and for user input to be evenly aligned (hence all the &nbsp you’ll see)

What’s driving me crazy is the line spacing. When I run the script and generate the email, it looks perfect. However if the user hits enter, instead of using the down arrow, suddenly I’ve got double spacing beneath the line they just hit enter on, and hitting delete does not remove it. There’s more weird behavior related to the spacing, but it’s all about double spacing being trapped in there somehow.

I’ve searched the boards and the web, but haven’t found an answer. Oh, and the double spacing being trapped in the body seemed to be a bigger problem when I was using HTML “content” vs.“PlainTextContent”

Thanks much in advance!

set {toName, toAddress} to {"Graphics", "GFX@company.com"} -- 'To:' recipient
set {ccName01, ccAddress01} to {"My Group", "mygroup@company.com"} -- 'Cc:' recipient.
set theSubject to "Graphics Request:  "

set thePlainTextContent to "<p><b>Project: </b>                  &nbsp<br>
<b>Job #:</b>                       &nbsp<br>
<b>File Reference/s:</b>  &nbsp<br>
<b>Deadline:</b>                &nbsp<br>
<b>Direction: </b> &nbsp<br><br><br><br><br><br>
<b>Image/s of File References:</b> &nbsp</p>"
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
	set GraphicsRequest to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:thePlainTextContent}
	make new to recipient at GraphicsRequest with properties {email address:{name:toName, address:toAddress}}
	make new cc recipient at GraphicsRequest with properties {email address:{name:ccName01, address:ccAddress01}}
	open GraphicsRequest
end tell