Package Maker - Preflight Installer

Hi Folks,

may you can help me with the following:

I have two Metapackage Projects which I offer my customers to download - one includes a extension for ppc - the rest is binary and the other includes an extension for intel - the rest is binary! To clear out - both Metapackage Projects are the same, instead of the one extension which is not binary!

Is there a possibility to have only one Metapackage Project with both extensions in it, and when the processor is intel then it should install the intel pkg, and when it is a ppc then it should install the ppc pkg

set processor to system attribute "sysa"

if processor is 2 then
  display dialog "ppc"
  -- here should be stated which package to install
else if processor is 10 then
  display dialog "intel"
  -- here should be stated which package to install
end if

Or would you recommend to call the single packages (Now I have a package for Intel and one for ppc) from a applescript file?

Thanks for your help,


I would include both extensions in the package and then determine the system (PPC or Intel) and install the one that is appropriate.

At least that’s my thinking.