Pages - Select Placeholder Text and Paste Clipboard


I have very basic understanding of how to write Apple Script. I need to add code to my existing script so that pags will select a specific Placeholder text and paste Clipboard (Rich Text) instead of it.

Maybe one option could be to select PlaceHodler Text and execute Edit - Paste to paste Rich Text over it?

Please help.

Existing code that I use to move data from Drafts app to Pages Template

-- Set Variables
on run {input}
	set clinic to item 1 of input
	set fullName to item 2 of input
	set dateOfBirth to item 3 of input
	set dateOfLoss to item 4 of input
	set dateOfAssessment to item 5 of input
	set supervisor to item 6 of input
	set reportNamePath to item 7 of input
	set dateStamp to item 8 of input
	set reportTemplate to item 9 of input
	-- Pages Create New File
	tell application "Pages"
		set thisDocument to ¬
			make new document with properties {document template:template reportTemplate}
		tell thisDocument
			-- Replace Tags
			set (every placeholder text whose tag is "clinic") to clinic
			set (every placeholder text whose tag is "name") to fullName
			set (every placeholder text whose tag is "DOB") to dateOfBirth
			set (every placeholder text whose tag is "DOL") to dateOfLoss
			set (every placeholder text whose tag is "DOA") to dateOfAssessment
			set (every placeholder text whose tag is "supervisor") to supervisor
			set (every placeholder text whose tag is "DOR") to dateStamp
			save thisDocument in POSIX file reportNamePath
		end tell
	end tell
	return input
end run