my little studio-app (basend on this example from “Fredo d;o)”: http://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?pid=61654#p61654) has an auto-start-feature:
After starting the program it shows an interruptable dialog for 10 seconds (Picture: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/154942/start_program.jpg). This works, but only with a cosmetically problem: After running the program it is starting in a “backround mode” (see the picture, program runs, but menu is from XCode), the button “Cancel” is not clickable. Only if I press the “ESC”-key when the panel runs, it comes to the foreground, the progress indicator stops and the button is clickable.
If I start the same code from inside an “on clicked theObject”-Handler it works fine. Seems that I cant start a panel with an progress bar from inside the “on opened theObject”-Handler.
I’ve no idea, which handler I’ve to use, hope for your support.
Here’s the code:
on opened theObject
tell window "windowProgress"
set contents of text field "textfieldProgressTitre" to "Reportgenerator."
set contents of text field "textfieldProgressInofs" to "Starting..."
set contents of progress indicator "progressIndicator" to 0 -- Start value
end tell
display panel window "windowProgress" attached to window "windowMain" --of theObject
tell me to activate
delay 1
tell window "windowProgress"
tell progress indicator "progressIndicator" to set maximum value to 10
tell progress indicator "progressIndicator" to set indeterminate to false
repeat with a from 1 to 10
set myseconds to 10 - a
set contents of text field "textfieldProgressInofs" to "Start in " & myseconds & " seconds."
tell progress indicator "progressIndicator" to increment by 1
delay 1
end repeat
end tell
close panel window "windowProgress"
--main routine handler here--
end opened
Here’s a sample project (only 53k to download),it shows the problem: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/154942/DisplayPanel_Progress%20Indicator%20Example.zip
Greetings Rebewslin
Model: MacBook Late 2007
AppleScript: XCode 3.2.4
Browser: Safari 531.22.7
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)