Pare text from file.

I did a search and did not seem to come up with what i was looking for so i figured i would ask. Here is what i am trying to do:

  1. Paste a link to a asx into an apple script that then calls mplayer to save the info from that link to a text file.
  2. I then want applescript to open that text file and parse it for the mms link that is inside.
  3. take the mms link and give it to a variable in apple script to then pass to mplayer again to download the video.

here is my code so far

on run
	set theFileName to ""
	--ask for asx link from user
	display dialog "enter value" default answer theFileName
	set theFileName to text returned of the result
	--extract file name from link without extention
	get every word of theFileName
	set everyWord to theFileName as string
	set lastWord to word -1 of everyWord
	set secondToLast to word -2 of everyWord
	set theFile to secondToLast
	--set file name with txt extention
	set textFile to theFile & ".txt"
	--set save directory
	set mmsTXTdir to "/Users/donaldradlund/Movies/inside_nba/" & textFile
	--run through mplayer to get txt file
	do shell script "mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile " & mmsTXTdir & " " & theFileName
	--open text edit to manually copy mms link into next step
	tell application "TextEdit"
		open mmsTXTdir
	end tell
	set theMMSName to ""
	set wmvFile to theFile & ".wmv"
	--get mms link from user
	display dialog "enter value" default answer theMMSName
	set theMMSName to text returned of the result
	--set save directory
	set mmsWMVdir to "/Users/donaldradlund/Movies/inside_nba/" & wmvFile
	--run through mplayer to get wmv file
	do shell script "mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile " & mmsWMVdir & " " & theMMSName
	display alert "File Downloaded. Enjoy!"
end run

This all works perfectly except for i dont know how to implement the parsing of the text file for the mms link

this is what the txt file created by the first step looks like

<asx version="3.0">
<title> title </title>
<author> author </author>
<copyright> copyright </copyright>
<title> title </title>
	 	 <author> author </author>
		 <copyright> copyright </copyright>
		 <ref href="mms://nbastreams.link_to_movie&aifp=0001"/>
   		 <ref href="mms://wm3-cm.link_to_movie&aifp=0001"/>
<!-- Generated by Akamai Stream OS BOSS (v2-20071212-cpcodebreakout) / 4b0f2ab6 -->

The amount of characters in the , , , and tags actually changes each time. that is what has me stumped.

can anyone help me on how to get started on extracting that mms link?

Thank you in advance!


Something like this, perhaps:

set Q to "<asx version=\"3.0\">
<title> title </title>
<author> author </author>
<copyright> copyright </copyright>
<title> title </title>
	 	 <author> author </author>
		 <copyright> copyright </copyright>
		 <ref href=\"mms://nbastreams.link_to_movie&aifp=0001\"/>
   		 <ref href=\"mms://wm3-cm.link_to_movie&aifp=0001\"/>
<!-- Generated by Akamai Stream OS BOSS (v2-20071212-cpcodebreakout) / 4b0f2ab6 -->"

set mm to {}

set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "<ref "
set PQ to text items 2 thru 3 of Q
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/>"
repeat with P in PQ
	set end of mm to first text item of contents of P
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid

mm --> {"href=\"mms://nbastreams.link_to_movie&aifp=0001\"", "href=\"mms://wm3-cm.link_to_movie&aifp=0001\""}

Thank you very much for the help. I used your code, modified it a little and added some other stuff… here is the result:

on run
	set theFileName to ""
	--get url from front page of safari
	tell application "Safari"
		set thisPage to do JavaScript "document.URL" in document 1
	end tell
	--extract asx link from url
	set theFileName to {}
	set del to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "video&url="
	set QR to text items 2 thru 2 of thisPage
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "&"
	repeat with Q in QR
		set end of theFileName to first text item of contents of Q
	end repeat
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to del

	--extract file name from link without extention
	get every word of theFileName
	set everyWord to theFileName as string
	set lastWord to word -1 of everyWord
	set secondToLast to word -2 of everyWord
	set theFile to secondToLast
	--set file name with txt extention
	set textFile to theFile & ".txt"

	--set save directory
	choose folder with prompt "Select Destination"
	set saveDir to POSIX path of the result
	set mmsTXTdir to saveDir & textFile
	--run through mplayer to get txt file
	do shell script "mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile " & mmsTXTdir & " " & theFileName
	tell application "TextEdit"
		open mmsTXTdir
		set textContent to get text of document 1
		close document 1
	end tell

	--extract mms link from downloaded text file
	set theMMSName to {}
	set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "<ref href=\""
	set PQ to text items 2 thru 2 of textContent
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\"/>"
	repeat with P in PQ
		set end of theMMSName to first text item of contents of P
	end repeat
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
	set wmvFile to theFile & ".wmv"
	--set save directory
	set mmsWMVdir to saveDir & wmvFile
	--run through mplayer to get wmv file
	do shell script "mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile " & mmsWMVdir & " " & theMMSName

end run

enjoy if you want to download the wmv files from