Hello guys!
Does anyone know how I do the task mentioned in the subject? Okay, some more explanation … And let me also mention that I am a relatively new to AppleScript.
For a while now I using a NAS as my backup media, where I put also my ripped audio files. A few weeks ago started using a Roku Soundbridge streaming client and the TwonkyVision server installed on my NAS – everything is running fine. When I ripped a new CD to iTunes I have to copy the files manually to the NAS and also the iTunes Library xml file; I did this with a script which works okay. But that TwonkyVision recognizes my music files I have to made changes to the xml file. First of all I have to change some path names which another script also does. Then I have to change the de-composed unicode characters to the composed one – my NAS and Twonky needs it like that. (It’s all about the umlaut and accented characters like ü or é, the de-composed form which iTunes export is u%CC%88 or e%CC%81 and I need %c3%bc or %c3%a9). My script does this also and for this I could be happy, but there’s another thing I liked to changed …
At the end of the files is a section for my playlists but some of these entries are not needed or worse, leading to double entries on my Roku Soundbridge. An entry looks like these:
What I want to do is the following: searching for an entry like “Videos” or “>Videos<” and selecting the complete block beginning from the to the (like in the example above). How can I achieve this? And no, these blocks in the file have always a different number of lines between the 's – one of the blocks is the “Bibliothek” (German system) or “Library” block when you like to look in your own iTunes library file.
I know there are a some scripting extensions around but I don’t know how to use them. So any solution from you scripting “gods” (at least for me) which work with TextEdit or TextWrangler under MacOS X 10.4.7?
Thanx alot, have a nice time
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