Parsing ping results

Hi everyone,

I’m writing a script that uses “do shell script” to ping a web server, and if the ping time is above a certain threshold it repeats until the ping time is within the threshold. What I need to know is how to parse the ping results to extract the ping time.


Model: MacBook Pro
AppleScript: 2.1.1
Browser: Firefox 3.6.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)


Maybe this short sample code gets you started?

set address to "[url=][/url]"

repeat 10 times
	set {pingmstime, errmsg} to my getpingmstime(address)
	if pingmstime is not false then
		tell me
			display dialog "Address: " & address & return & "Time: " & pingmstime
		end tell
		tell me
			display dialog "Something went wrong:" & return & return & errmsg
		end tell
	end if
end repeat

on getpingmstime(address)
		set output to do shell script "ping -c 1 " & address
		set outputline to (item 2 of (paragraphs of output))
		set esoffset to offset of "=" in (reverse of (characters of outputline)) as text
		set mstime to (characters -(esoffset - 1) through -4 of outputline) as text
		return {mstime, missing value}
	on error errmsg number errnum
		return {false, errmsg}
	end try
end getpingmstime

Best regards,


Hi Martin,

Thanks! That helps a lot!

I’m having a bit of trouble using that returned value to set up a threshold. Basically, if the ping time returned over 100ms, I want the script to repeat until the ping time is under 100ms. If not, I want it to return an Automator workflow to be passed into an Automator action. Here’s what I’m using now, it could be totally wrong.

if pingmstime is greater than 1000 then
		return (theWorkflowFolder & "Folder Backup.workflow") as alias
	else if pingmstime is not greater than 1000 then
		pause 500
	end if

Does that make any sense?



I guess you mean something like this (did not test the code):

(You will need to save this code with the “Stay Open”-option, this way the script will run the «idle»-handler every 60 seconds or whatever you enter)

on idle
		set address to "[url=][/url]"
		set {pingmstime, errmsg} to my getpingmstime(address)
		if pingmstime is false then
			return 60
			set pingmstime to pingmstime as real
			if pingmstime is greater than 1000 then
				set workflowpath to (theWorkflowFolder & "Folder Backup.workflow") as text
				set command to "/usr/bin/automator " & quoted form of POSIX path of workflowpath
				do shell script command
			end if
		end if
	end try
	-- every 60 seconds = 1 Minute
	return 60
end idle

on getpingmstime(address)
		set output to do shell script "ping -c 1 " & address
		set outputline to (item 2 of (paragraphs of output))
		set esoffset to offset of "=" in (reverse of (characters of outputline)) as text
		set mstime to (characters -(esoffset - 1) through -4 of outputline) as text
		return {mstime, missing value}
	on error errmsg number errnum
		return {false, errmsg}
	end try
end getpingmstime

Hi Martin,

I think that’s headed in the right direction, maybe let me explain what I’m doing. I’m running this script inside an automator workflow, and if the ping time is within the threshold it passes the automator action to the next step. Sorry, I’m really new at this :slight_smile:

Thanks SO much for all your help!