I want to parse text from a web page and create a list delimited by paragraph returns. I have most of it done after finding various snips of code on this site.
I have one thing I have not been able to sort out though. I cannot get the list to work. It doesn’t delimit on the returns, it just makes a list with all the text as one list item. I know my code is okay, because if I try to build the list using any character from the text other than the return it works.
Here is my code:
set returnVar to (ASCII character 13)
set temp to ((path to desktop as Unicode text) & “html_test.txt”)
set Ptemp to quoted form of POSIX path of temp
do shell script “curl http://www.herpjournal.com/ -o " & Ptemp
do shell script “textutil -format html -inputencoding iso-8859-1 -convert txt -encoding UTF-16 " & Ptemp
set theText to (read file temp as Unicode text)
set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to {returnVar}
set theList to text items of theText as list
set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to {””}
Any ideas?