password from a file - Problems while comparing...

Hi Folks,

my application has to use administrator privileges - I want to save the password in a text file…

As I want to be sure that the entered password is correct I want to compare the passwords - but this is not working:

set pass_file to ((path to me as Unicode text) & "Contents:Resources:pass.txt") as file specification
set pass_data to read pass_file as string

if pass_data is "0" then
set pass to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter your Code:" buttons {"Cancel", "Proceed"} default answer "")

set pass1 to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter your Code:" buttons {"Cancel", "Proceed"} default answer "")

if pass is equal to pass1 then exit repeat
end repeat

set pass_file to open for access pass_file with write permission
set eof of pass_file to 0
write (pass as string) to pass_file starting at eof
close access pass_file
end if
if pass_data is not "0" then exit repeat
end repeat

Does anyone has a clue why I am not leaving the Repeat with the password comparison?

Thanks for any suggestions…


Hi, Stefan

how comes the “0” value from?
If no password is saved than the file is either empty or contains an empty string

		set pass_data to read pass_file as string
	on error
		set pass_data to ""
	end try
	if pass_data is "" then

PS: saving a password in clear text is not very secure :wink:

Hi Stefan,

thanks for the hint! I know its not secure, but I need the Password just for the Network Settings and not for the application itself - the Dialer will be protected by the SimCard Pin…

Thanks for your help - its is working perfect now!



the outer repeat block isn’t necessary.
You can add the is not “” check to the inner repeat block

set pass_file to ((path to me as Unicode text) & "Contents:Resources:pass.txt") as file specification
	set pass_data to read pass_file -- will be read as string by default
on error
	set pass_data to ""
end try
if pass_data is "" then
		set pass to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter your Code:" buttons {"Cancel", "Proceed"} default answer "")
		set pass1 to text returned of (display dialog "Please Reenter your Code:" buttons {"Cancel", "Proceed"} default answer "")
		if pass is equal to pass1 and pass is not "" then exit repeat
	end repeat
	set pass_data to open for access pass_file with write permission
	write (pass as string) to pass_data -- without specifying eof it starts at 0
	close access pass_file
end if

HI Stefan,

thanks again - I will do as you recommended…

I did some Brainstorming and found out, that I have to check wheter the password has changed…


set pass to read pass_file as string
on error
set pass to ""
end try


do shell script "ls ~root" password pass with administrator privileges
on error
set pass to ""
end try

if pass is "" ....

But there is no error when the password file is empty - means that the password box is opening instead of making the on error handler…

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help!
