path to current folder

Good day!

I must to know the path to folder in which I run my script.
How can I get this path?

Thanks a lot.


tell me to get the path to me

returns a path to application.
You may insert it in your script saved as apps to get the location of it. - ev.

Thanks. It works.
But only when my script saved as application.
But I want to run my script under Script Editor - in this case this command give the path to Script Editor (not to my file script1.applescript).
Could you resolve this problem?

Not resolvable. The path IS to the Script Editor because it’s running the script. If you declare a variable that is the path to your script (as .scpt) as an alias, then if you move the script, the alias will keep up and continue to point to the file.

Both Smile -free- and Script Debugger -shareware- (Satimage and Late Night Software’s alternatives to Apple’s Script Editor) will return the path to the current script.