Path trouble

Working on an Automator action. I’m having some trouble getting paths in the right format.

I’ve got this:

        tell current application to set prefs_file to (the prefs_folder & "com.Automator.chit.plist") as unicode text
        tell application "System Events"
            set fileStatus to false
            set fileStatus to exists disk item prefs_file
            end tell
        if fileStatus is false then
            display dialog "You must have an Open command before you can Render."
            return input
        end if

Which is throwing this error:

Can't get «class posx» of "Macintosh HD:Users:wanderer:Library:Preferences:com.Automator.chit.plist". (error -1728)

prefs-file is a legit HFS path, I just can’t seem to get it coerced into something that works with the System Events exists call.

Are you sure about that? How do you define prefs_folder? If I define prefs_folder as “path to desktop”, which I think returns an hfs path, your code works fine.


I’m defining prefs_folder this way:

        set the prefs_folder to (path to preferences folder from user domain) as Unicode text

Problem here?

Hmm… I ran the following, and it worked fine:

on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
        set the prefs_folder to (path to preferences folder from user domain) as Unicode text
        tell current application to set prefs_file to (the prefs_folder & "") as unicode text
        tell application "System Events"
            set fileStatus to false
            set fileStatus to exists disk item prefs_file
        end tell
        log fileStatus
        log prefs_file
        if fileStatus is false then
            display dialog "You must have an Open command before you can Render."
            return input
        end if
	end applicationWillFinishLaunching_

I do get an error about “input” not being defined when my file is not found, but that’s another problem. If I substitute a file name that is in my preferences folder, then it works


No problem, but too complicated

        set the prefs_folder to (path to preferences folder as text)

user domain is the default behavior and unlike most other cases as text is a parameter, not a coercion

Okay, I cleaned the project and rebooted, and now it’s fine. Sorry I didn’t do that before posting!

Another problem:

How can I get this:

  "<NSAppleEventDescriptor: 'furl'("Macintosh%20HD:Users:wanderer:Desktop:photo-8.psd")>"

as a POSIX address?

I’m not sure where you’re getting that, but this should give you the POSIX path of the file you posted:

POSIX path of ((path to desktop as text) & “photo-8.psd”)
