PDF Open Options in Photoshop CS

I’m trying to open PDF files in Photoshop CS - banging my head against the wall at this point.

This code:

set theFile to (choose file of type "PDF ") as alias

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
	--set units to inches
	set PDFOpenOptions to {class:PDF open options, resolution:200, mode:RGB, page:1, use antialias:yes, width:12, constrain proportions:true}
	open theFile as PDF with options PDFOpenOptions
end tell

Yields this error:

“Adobe Photoshop CS got an error: Can’t make some data into the expected type.”

Removing the reference to class:PDF open options, allows the script to run, but with NONE of the options applied.

I’m sure this is a silly syntax thing, but I can’t find the answer anywhere.

Yup. Just take out the word “options” from the line "open theFile as PDF with options PDFOpenOptions ".


Thanks Carl… that works - but the options PDF options are still not applied.

I’m opening an 11 x 17 Hi Res PDF, trying to spec a resolution 200 and width of 12. The PDF opens at 11 x 17 @ 72 dpi.

Thanks again.

After digging around, I found the following code in the Adobe Scripting Reference PDF for Photoshop CS:

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
	set myFilePath to alias choose file
	open myFilePath as PDF with options {class:PDF open options, height:inches 10.5, width:inches 7.375, mode:RGB, resolution:200, use antialias:true, page:1, constrain proportions:false}
end tell

And then plugged in my settings:

set theFile to alias choose file --of type "PDF "

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
	open theFile as PDF with options {class:PDF open options, width:inches 11, height:inches 17, mode:RGB, resolution:200, use antialias:true, page:2, constrain proportions:true}
end tell

I’m not sure of the real differences in the new code vs. my original – “set myFilePath to alias choose file” instead of "set theFile to (choose file of type "PDF “) as alias” specifiying height and width in inches, setting antialias to true instead of yes, etc. – but at least I can open a PDF file in Photoshop with the settings I want.

I’m posting my final script here as a reference for others that may find the code useful. This script converts a multiple page PDF into separate JPG and PSD files - these files are sets of ads that run in different markets. Each file is trimmed to Letter size, and each has a caption containing the Brand, Publication, Run Date, Ad Size, and ad Type

display dialog "This script will save your Multi-Page PDF file out as real purty JPG files!" buttons {"Dude, you rock!"} default button 1 with icon 1 giving up after 10

--choose your PDF file
set theFile to alias choose file of type "PDF " with prompt "Choose a PDF file to process"

--choose your destination
set destinationFolder to choose folder with prompt "Where the do you want your new JPG files?"

tell application "Finder"
	set pdfFileName to name of theFile
	set targetFolder to «class cfol» of theFile as string
end tell

set newPdfFileName to pdfFileName --as string
set newPdfFileName to characters 1 thru -5 of newPdfFileName as string

-- count the pages of the PDF, and save out a lower res version
tell application "Acrobat 6.0.1 Professional"
	open theFile
	set pageCount to (count of pages in document pdfFileName)
	set LowResPDFname to (targetFolder & newPdfFileName & "_LR" & ".pdf") as string
	save document 1 to file LowResPDFname with linearize
end tell

-- the text entered below determines our title
set BrandName to text returned of (display dialog "What's the brand/product?" default answer "")
set RunDate to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the ad's run date" default answer "")
set PubName to text returned of (display dialog "Publication Name?" default answer "")
set AdSize to text returned of (display dialog "What's the size of these ads? (Full-Page, etc)" default answer "")
set AdType to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the type of ad (FSI, etc)?" default answer "FSI")

-- close the PDF file, move on
tell application "Acrobat 6.0.1 Professional"
	close document 1
end tell

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
	-- don't display dialogs
	set display dialogs to never
	-- determinine the file name, process the page
	repeat with currentPage from 1 to pageCount
		set LastLetter to {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K"} --as string
		open theFile as PDF with options {class:PDF open options, width:inches 11, height:inches 17, mode:RGB, resolution:200, use antialias:true, page:currentPage, constrain proportions:true}
		set MyNewJPG to (name of current document) as string
		set CharCount to (number of characters of MyNewJPG)
		set the MyNewJpgName to (characters 1 thru (the CharCount - 5) of the MyNewJPG) as string
		set MyNewFile to current document
		--set background color
		-- work on this file using inches
		set units to inches
		-- trim and set up the file
		resize canvas MyNewFile width 7.375 anchor position middle center
		resize canvas MyNewFile height 10.5 anchor position middle center
		crop MyNewFile bounds {0, 0, 7.375, 10.5}
		resize image MyNewFile height 10
		resize canvas MyNewFile width 8.5 anchor position middle center
		resize canvas MyNewFile height 10.5 anchor position middle center
		resize canvas MyNewFile height 11 anchor position top center
		resize image MyNewFile height 11
		-- add a drop shadow to the layer
		-- you'll need to be sure that you save your style in the Photoshop styles pallet
		apply layer style art layer "Layer 1" of MyNewFile using "New Styles"
		set Mycaption to (BrandName & " " & RunDate & " " & AdSize & " " & PubName & " " & AdType & " " & (item currentPage of LastLetter))
		set the_layer to make art layer in current document with properties {kind:text layer, name:"Name Layer"}
		tell text object of the_layer
			set position to {4.25, 10.75}
			set contents to Mycaption
			set stroke color to {class:RGB color, blue:0, green:0, red:0}
			set size to 24
			set justification to center
			set MyBrandNewName to (destinationFolder & MyNewJpgName & (item currentPage of LastLetter) & ".jpg") as string
			set MyBrandNewName2 to (destinationFolder & MyNewJpgName & (item currentPage of LastLetter) & ".psd") as string
			set JPGSaveOptions to {class:JPEG save options, format options:standard, quality:12, embed color profile:false}
			set PSDSaveOptions to {class:Photoshop save options, save layers:true, save alpha channels:true, save annotations:true}
			-- flatten it
			save current document in file MyBrandNewName2 with options PSDSaveOptions appending lowercase extension with copying
			flatten MyNewFile
			save current document in file MyBrandNewName as JPEG with options JPGSaveOptions appending lowercase extension with copying
			close current document saving no
		end tell
	end repeat
end tell

-- gather up the original PDF and the Low Res PDF to the same folder as the processed files
tell application "Finder"
	move file theFile to destinationFolder
	move file LowResPDFname to destinationFolder
end tell

Any suggestions to make this simpler or faster would be appreciated!