I need to get a pdf in to rtf format,
I’ve tried all sorts of different pieces of code, but I can’t seem to get it right.

The most promising piece I’ve used is

tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
	set output to out & filename & ".rtf"
	save front document to file output using conversion "com.adobe.acrobat.rtf"
	close front document
end tell

But this is for acrobat 7 pro, and I’m using acrobat 9 pro, which doesn’t seem to have the com.adobe.acrobat.rtf file for converting.

I’ve hit a bit of brick wall now, can anyone help??


Not sure if this will help but you can open up your pdf in textedit and save it out
as an rtf file, not sure it’ll be the exact rtf file you want as its an rtf with attachment.
But if this is okay for you then it should be easy to script.


DEVON have a service that can do this.

The software from Devon is out of date, and won’t work in OS X 10.6 :frowning: