Photoshop clean up script – 'on run' and 'on open' do different things

I have written (with the aid of posters around the world) a script that cleans up photoshop files, burrowing into smart objects and cleaning up there too. It works fine when run from Applescript Editor, however when dropping files on the application, the script only runs these handlers (my deleteHiddenLayers is commented out because it requires an action to run not included here):

				my assignWorkingProfile()
				-- my deleteHiddenLayers()
				my reduceTo150ppi()
				my selectAllandCrop()

and not the smart object one:

my editSmartLayers(layers)

The handler that does not work runs a javascript because of lack of functionality in Applescript in this area.

Any ideas anyone?

Here’s the script:

-- opens photoshop files without warnings then resizes, crops, deletes hidden layers. Even enters smart objects and does the same there

property thisDoc : missing value
property thisfile : missing value
property myLayerList : missing value

on run
	set thesefiles to choose file with multiple selections allowed
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
		set display dialogs to never
		my main(thesefiles)
		set display dialogs to always
	end tell
end run

on open thesefiles
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
		set display dialogs to never
		my main(thesefiles)
		set display dialogs to always
	end tell
end open

# main handler
on main(thesefiles)
	set myLayerList to {}
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
		repeat with thisfile in thesefiles
			open thisfile
			set thisDoc to the current document
			tell thisDoc
				my assignWorkingProfile()
				-- my deleteHiddenLayers()
				my reduceTo150ppi()
				my selectAllandCrop()
				my editSmartLayers(layers)
				my saveNotMaxCompat(thisfile)
				close thisDoc
			end tell
		end repeat
	end tell
end main

# handler to assign working profile. Should work for both cmyk and rgb
on assignWorkingProfile()
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
		tell current document
			if color profile kind is not working then
				set color profile kind to working
			end if
		end tell
	end tell
end assignWorkingProfile

# handler to loop through all smart objects and clean them up too
on editSmartLayers(myCurrentLayers)
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
		--tell thisDoc
		repeat with i from 1 to count myCurrentLayers
			set myLayer to item i of myCurrentLayers
			if class of myLayer is art layer then
				if (kind of myLayer as string) is "smart object layer" then
					set current layer of current document to myLayer
					set myLayerName to name of myLayer
					log myLayerName
					set myLayerType to my checkSmartLayer()
					log myLayerType
					if myLayerType is equal to "rasterizeContent" then
						my openSmartLayer()
						tell current document
							my editSmartLayers(layers)
						end tell
						--my deleteHiddenLayers()
						my reduceTo150ppi()
						my selectAllandCrop()
						close current document saving yes
					end if
					set end of myLayerList to myLayer
				end if
			else if class of myLayer is layer set then
				my editSmartLayers(layers of myLayer)
			end if
		end repeat
		--end tell
	end tell
end editSmartLayers

# this handler uses an action because the scripted version of this is way too slow
on deleteHiddenLayers()
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
			do action "Delete hidden layers" from "Clean up files"
		on error
			display dialog "You need to load an action called \"Delete hidden layers\" into a set called \"Clean up files\" for this script to work." buttons "Cancel" default button "Cancel"
		end try
	end tell
end deleteHiddenLayers

# handler to de-res to 150ppi
on reduceTo150ppi()
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
		tell current document
			if resolution is greater than or equal to 150 then
				resize image resolution 150
			end if
		end tell
	end tell
end reduceTo150ppi

# handler to select all and crop, thereby chopping off loads of junk
on selectAllandCrop()
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
		tell current document
			select all -- of current document
			set theCropBounds to bounds of selection
			crop bounds theCropBounds
		end tell
	end tell
end selectAllandCrop

# changes the settings, saves the file and resets the settings
on saveNotMaxCompat(thisfile)
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
		set oldSettings to maximize compatibility of settings -- get whatever settings the user has
		set maximize compatibility of settings to never -- for saving small files
		try -- errors may be caused by Photoshop's flaky server integration
			tell current document to save
		on error
			save current document in file (thisfile as string) as Photoshop format with options {embed color profile:true, save alpha channels:true, save annotations:true, save layers:true, save spot colors:true} appending lowercase extension without copying
		end try
		set maximize compatibility of settings to oldSettings -- set the settings back
	end tell
end saveNotMaxCompat

# handler using javascript to check whether vector or photoshop smart object
on checkSmartLayer()
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
		do javascript "getSmartObjectType();
		// Get Smart Object Type
		function getSmartObjectType(){ 
   var ref = new ActionReference(); 
   ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt') ); 
   var desc = executeActionGet(ref); 
   if(desc.hasKey(stringIDToTypeID('smartObject'))){// is smart object? 
      var desc = executeActionGet(ref).getObjectValue(stringIDToTypeID('smartObject')).getEnumerationValue(stringIDToTypeID('placed'));
      return typeIDToStringID(desc); 
	end tell
end checkSmartLayer

# handler using javascript to open a smart object
on openSmartLayer()
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
		do javascript "editSmartLayer();
// Edit Smart Layer
function editSmartLayer() {
  function cTID(s) { return app.charIDToTypeID(s); };
  function sTID(s) { return app.stringIDToTypeID(s); };
    var desc01 = new ActionDescriptor();
    executeAction( sTID('placedLayerEditContents'), desc01, DialogModes.NO );
	end tell
end openSmartLayer

Browser: Safari 534.57.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.7)

Try calling do javascript with “show debugger on runtime error”.

Hi Shane “ thanks for responding

Where do I put that bit of code?

At the end. The command becomes “do javascript show debugger on runtime error”.