Photoshop Cs2, How Align Text Of A Text Layer...

anybody can help me?:

I’ve got this script for Photoshop CS 2:

  • ask you for text to write on the current image
  • and create a text layer with the text you wrote on the current document

how could I align the text of my text layer
let’s say 10 pixel above the bottom of my image and 10 pixel to the right ( from the left edge of my image ?)

any suggestion is welcome !!!
many thank’s, dave

AppleScript: Versione 2.1.1
Browser: Safari 417.9.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Dave, bottom left corner is the easier one to do, just across 10 and down the doc’s height -10. Bottom right you need to get the width of the newly made text to do the calculations before positioning. Here are examples that both work for me in CS1 using pixels for measures.
Bottom Left:

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
	set display dialogs to never
	set UserPrefs to properties of settings
	set ruler units of settings to pixel units
	set docRef to the current document
	tell docRef
		set docHeight to height of docRef
		set docWidth to width of docRef
		set artLayerRef to make new art layer with properties {kind:text layer}
		set textItemRef to text object of artLayerRef
		set font of textItemRef to "Arial"
		set size of textItemRef to 72
		set stroke color of textItemRef to {class:RGB color, red:0, green:0, blue:255}
		set contents of contents of textItemRef to "Here's some text"
		get properties of artLayerRef
		set position of contents of textItemRef to {10, (docHeight - 10)}
	end tell
	set ruler units of settings to ruler units of UserPrefs
end tell

Bottom Right

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
	set display dialogs to never
	set UserPrefs to properties of settings
	set ruler units of settings to pixel units
	set docRef to the current document
	tell docRef
		set docHeight to height of docRef
		set docWidth to width of docRef
		set artLayerRef to make new art layer with properties {kind:text layer}
		set textItemRef to text object of artLayerRef
		set font of textItemRef to "Arial"
		set size of textItemRef to 72
		set stroke color of textItemRef to {class:RGB color, red:0, green:0, blue:255}
		set contents of contents of textItemRef to "Here's some text"
		get properties of artLayerRef
		set TheBounds to get (bounds of artLayerRef) as list
		set TypeWidth to (item 3 of TheBounds) - (item 1 of TheBounds)
		set position of contents of textItemRef to {(docWidth - (TypeWidth + 10)), (docHeight - 10)}
	end tell
	set ruler units of settings to ruler units of UserPrefs
end tell

Hi Mark,

thank’s a lot for you precious help,…it works in Photoshop CS2 almost perfectly …
In fact I can’t undestand why but I’ve made some tryies with different fonts, and I’ve realized that this line does’nt work perfect:

set font of textItemRef to “Arial”

it set the font to “Myriad” even if i try other fonts like “Times” or “Lucida”…! :frowning:

it only work right if I write down the font “Helvetica”
and I’m also failing in setting the style of the font to bold…can you see a solution to this?

thousand thxs…,dave

Dave, its setting the font to the default one because it can’t find the correct name. Photoshop requires you to supply the fonts actual postscript name which in many cases differs from the one displayed in the UI for example “Helvetica Neue 95 Black” is actually “HelveticaNeue-Black” you should be able to get this info from your font management software.