Photoshop CS3 Repeat Action Script

I am needing a script that will “do action” for the currently selected action and repeat it for every layer within the currently selected layer set.

For the same reason recording an action increases efficiency, I would like to be able to repeat that action without having to manually select each layer, one at a time, and then play the action each time. Some files I work with can have hundreds of layers which need the same action run on.

Any ideas??

I think the problem you would run into here is knowing when the action is done to move to the next layer and apply the action again

My suggestion would be to see if you could script the whole process so that you just a have a droplet that processes the files.


I had thought about that and I thought the best solution would be to group the desired layers into a layer set and have the script run only on each layer within the selected set. Everything outside of the layer set would not be affected.

I am just not sure how to do this with AppleScript, or even if AppleScript is the best way to address it. Perhaps Javascript would be better?

Without knowing what your action does its hard to say if its scriptable…

I don’t think grouping the layers would make any difference in determining when the action is done I think you’ll still need to select each layer one at a time within the group then run the action correct ?

Javascript is an option but I don’t use it so I couldn’t help you there.


As i recall, can’t check it out here at the moment, a script will wait till PS is done with an action (or any other command) unless you tell the script not to. You just need a way to identify the layers and possibly increase the time out settings for the tell block. I have done something like this and it works fine over multiple layers. I will see if I can find the code and post it later today.

As for javascript, it probably won’t be much better than AppleScript. As far as the events are concerned it is pretty much the same implementation just a different syntax.

Some thing like this should get you started. Should just run your action on all the visible layers of the first set.

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
	set Doc_Ref to current document
	tell Doc_Ref
		set LS_Count to count layer sets
		if LS_Count ≠ 0 then
			set L_Count to count layers of layer set 1
			repeat with i from 1 to L_Count
				if visible of layer i of layer set 1 is true then
					set current layer to layer i of layer set 1
					do action "My Action" from "My Action Set" -- Case sensitive
				end if
			end repeat
		end if
	end tell
end tell

Thanks Mark67,

That was a huge help!!! From what you suggested, I updated my current script to the following:
It works great. I just need to figure out how to set the first 3 variables to default to what is currently selected/highlighted. The work around is to type the variables in each time, which is still faster than playing the action manually hundreds of times.
I also came across an error when I had an empty layer. I will need to teach the script to ignore empty layers as well.

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
	tell current document
		set myActionSet to "" --current action set
		set myAction to "" --current action from myActionSet
		set myLayerSet to "" --current layer set
		set layerCount to layers of layer set myLayerSet
		repeat with i from 1 to the count of layerCount
			set current layer to layer i of layer set myLayerSet
			set the visible of layer i of layer set myLayerSet to true
			do action myAction from myActionSet
			set the visible of layer i of layer set myLayerSet to false
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

You can get the current layer and test if it is a layer set:

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
	set myLayerSet to current layer of document 1
	if class of myLayerSet is layer set then
		display dialog "A layer set must be selected."
	end if
end tell

Unfortunatly you cannot access the actions set names or the action names so you will have to adjust those as needed. If you have more than one action that you need to perform on the image then you might be able to hard code them in and either test for which one to perform (if it is taller than it is wide then do a, if it is wider than it is tall then do b). You could also do a Choose from list command and put the various actions in the list to select from.

Best way to approach a JavaScript (via do script in AppleScript) is to use the ScriptListener plugin Adobe supplies to just have it watch what you’re doing. I’ve found doing it this way is easier than wading through the AppleScript library to figure out how to make Photoshop jump through the hoops I need. Also found it a bit faster than using AppleScript or Actions.

Think of ScriptListener as a way to “record” what Photoshop is doing, only not with AppleScript.

On the other hand, you have to be handy with JavaScript so you know what you can trim from the ScriptListener text file and integrate into AppleScript. I did it when I wrote Clorox File Repair, worked well.


Thanks for the input. I was not able to get your suggestion to work. It would error out when trying to compile.

I decided simply to adjust my workflow to always put the desired actions in an Action Set named “Run Scripts” and always name the desired Layer Set “Graphics”. Then I am promted to enter the action name.

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
	tell current document
		set myActionSet to "Run Scripts"
		set myAction to text returned of (display dialog "Run Which Action?" default answer "")
		set myLayerSet to "Graphics"
		set layerCount to layers of layer set myLayerSet
		repeat with i from 1 to the count of layerCount
			set current layer to layer i of layer set myLayerSet
			set the visible of layer i of layer set myLayerSet to true
			do action myAction from myActionSet
			set the visible of layer i of layer set myLayerSet to false
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell


This works for me in CS2 and unless they have changed the syntax it should work in CS3 as well. It is using object references rather than indexes for referencing the layers which I find to be easier to write and more consistant in behavior. You can expand the list ActionList with the names of the scripts in your Action set and have all of them available when you run it. It will preform the selected action of every layer in the selected layer set.

set myActionSet to "Run Scripts"
set ActionList to {"Action 1", "Action 2"}
set myAction to (choose from list ActionList with prompt "Run Which Action?" without empty selection allowed and multiple selections allowed) as string

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
	tell current document
		set myLayerSet to current layer
		if class of myLayerSet is layer set then
			set theLayers to layers of myLayerSet
			repeat with aLayer in theLayers
				set current layer to aLayer
				set the visible of aLayer to true
				do action myAction from myActionSet
				set the visible of aLayer to false
			end repeat
			display dialog "A layer set must be selected."
		end if
	end tell
end tell