Photoshop CS5 wont open a file stored on a server volume

I have a script that opens one file from a mounted server volume, and one file from my local drive. It then combines the two files and saves a PSD back to the server volume. This script runs perfectly in CS3 & CS4. When I updated the script to run in CS5, everything works except opening the file from the server volume. Instead of opening the file, Photoshop opens the “Browse” window and waits for me to select the file and click open. Here is a sample:

set fileA to "LocalDrive:Folder:thisFileA.jpg" -- JPG stored on local  drive
set fileB to "PostVolume:JOBS:ThisJob:ThisFileB.tif" -- TIFF  stored on server volume

tell application "Adobe Photoshop  CS5"

      -- JPG stored on local  drive
     -- this file opens correctly, with no "browse" dialog
    open alias fileA

     -- TIFF stored on server volume
     -- when PS CS5 trys to open this file, I get a "browse" dialog. If I compile for CS3 or CS4, the file opens as it should.
    open alias fileB
end  tell

The server volume is mounted via AFP. (It’s a xserve running server 10.4.x)

My workaround is to tell the Finder to open the file stored on the server volume. This works because the default app on my machine for TIFF’s is Photoshop. I intentionally have Preview set as the default open app for JPG’s. If I have to open a JPG from the server volume, telling Finder to open it will result in the file opening in Preview. Not good! Has anyone expierenced the same “open” issue with files stored locally vs remotely? Thanks in advance!

You could try moving a copy of the ThisFileB.tif to the local drive first.

do shell script "/bin/cp    Volumes/PostVolume/JOBS/ThisJob/ThisFileB.tif    Volumes/LocalDrive/Folder" --move a copy

set fileA to "LocalDrive:Folder:thisFileA.jpg" -- JPG stored on local drive
set fileB to "LocalDrive:Folder:ThisFileB.tif" -- TIFF stored on server volume --> try moving a copy

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5"
	-- JPG stored on local drive
	-- this file opens correctly, with no "browse" dialog
	open alias fileA
	-- TIFF stored on server volume
	-- when PS CS5 trys to open this file, I get a "browse" dialog. If I compile for CS3 or CS4, the file opens as it should.
	open alias fileB
end tell


Thanks Tom. This would work for us if it was just a couple of files. We’re processing hundreds of files daily (in three locations nationally) and some can be quite large. I need a fix that can open the file directly from the server. I am currently looking into a complete rewrite using Javascript. It’s seems like this would be a “known” problem for people using AS with PS CS5. Or am I the only person foolish enough to be opening my files off a server volume? I’ve been doing it for years now…Uhg!


what about shell command open, does this work?

set fileA to quoted form of POSIX path of "Volume:file.jpg")

--set yout path to cs5
set theProg to quoted form of POSIX path of "Macintosh HD:Applications:Adobe Photoshop CS:Adobe Photoshop"
do shell script "open -a " & theProg & space & fileA

you could also try system events to tell cs5 to open the file …

Have a nice day :slight_smile:


Hans! That worked…thanks so much! The idea of rewriting the entire script with Javascript was grim. Cheers!

PS - I have this same question posted to the Adobe Forums. Do you mind if I re-post your reply there? Thanks again!


thanks :slight_smile:

(You should link the adobe-forum-thread to macscripter … :wink: )

Done! Here the link:


Hello PDXretoucher,
i have the same problem here but only sometimes, wonder why.

what happens when you try this:

open file (fileA as string)

instead of:

open alias fileA

Greets from