Photoshop export save for web

I have a layered Photoshop tiff and each layer has a mask. I am trying to use the save for web command and it keeps telling me it can’t find current document. I have been able to do this same script with a save command and saving it as a png, but I find that way makes the file size a lot larger. So I really need the save for web.

For the life of me I cannot figure this out… :mad: maybe I have been staring at it too long. Any help would be great!

I marked in the code where I get the problem, it is towards the end of “photoshopProcessMoment”

Here is the code:

tell application "Finder"
	set basePath to (path to desktop folder)
end tell

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6"
	set background color to {class:RGB color, red:255, green:255, blue:255}
	my photoshopProcessMoment_(basePath, "_zm.png", 0, 0, 0)
end tell

on photoshopProcessMoment_(theLocation, imageType, setImageHeight, setCanvasHeight, setCanvasWidth)
	--> put a 0 (zero) in the setImageHeight, setCanvasHeight, setCanvasWidth if you do not want to change the size of the image or canvas
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6"
		set docref to current document
		if setImageHeight ≠ 0 then
			resize image docref height setImageHeight
		end if
		if setCanvasHeight ≠ 0 then
			resize canvas docref height setCanvasHeight
		end if
		if setCanvasWidth ≠ 0 then
			resize canvas docref width setCanvasWidth
		end if
		make new art layer in current document with properties {visible:false}
		set myLayers to count each layer in layer set 1 in current document
		set properties of (layers 1 thru myLayers) in layer set 1 in current document to {visible:true}
		set firstLayer to make new art layer in layer set 1 in current document with properties {visible:false}
		set properties of layer 1 in layer set 1 in current document to {visible:true}
		set properties of current layer in current document to {visible:true}
		--return firstLayer
		repeat (myLayers + 1) times
			my duplicateLayer_()
			set layerName to get properties of layer 1 in current document
	-- this is the only way I could get the apply layer mask to work		
			if bounds of layerName ≠ {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0} then
				if bounds of layerName ≠ {0.0, 0.0, 2000.0, 2000.0} then
					if bounds of layerName ≠ {0.0, 0.0, 272.0, 272.0} then
						if bounds of layerName ≠ {0.0, 0.0, 192.0, 192.0} then
							if bounds of layerName ≠ {-15.0, 0.0, 70.0, 85.0} then
								if bounds of layerName ≠ {0.0, 0.0, 75.0, 75.0} then
									if bounds of layerName ≠ {0.0, 0.0, 61.0, 61.0} then
										if bounds of layerName ≠ {-71.0, -13.0, 259.0, 317.0} then
											if bounds of layerName ≠ {-58.0, 0.0, 246.0, 304.0} then
												my applyLayerMask_()
											end if
										end if
									end if
								end if
							end if
						end if
					end if
				end if
			end if
			set newName to characters 1 thru -5 of name of layerName
			set newFilePath to (theLocation & newName & imageType) as string
			set myOptions to {web format:PNG, transparency:true}
			export docref in file newFilePath as save for web with options myOptions with copying
			close current document saving no
			delete layer 1 in layer set 1 in current document
		end repeat
	end tell
end photoshopProcessMoment_

on duplicateLayer_()
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6"
		do javascript "{var idMk = charIDToTypeID( \"Mk  \" );
            var desc15 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idnull = charIDToTypeID( \"null\" );
            var ref12 = new ActionReference();
            var idDcmn = charIDToTypeID( \"Dcmn\" );
            ref12.putClass( idDcmn );
            desc15.putReference( idnull, ref12 );
            var idUsng = charIDToTypeID( \"Usng\" );
            var ref13 = new ActionReference();
            var idLyr = charIDToTypeID( \"Lyr \" );
            var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( \"Ordn\" );
            var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( \"Trgt\" );
            ref13.putEnumerated( idLyr, idOrdn, idTrgt );
            desc15.putReference( idUsng, ref13 );
            executeAction( idMk, desc15, DialogModes.NO );}"
	end tell
end duplicateLayer_

on applyLayerMask_()
-- does the photoshop command of applying the layer mask
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6"
		do javascript "var idDlt = charIDToTypeID( \"Dlt \" );
            var desc8 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idnull = charIDToTypeID( \"null\" );
            var ref2 = new ActionReference();
            var idChnl = charIDToTypeID( \"Chnl\" );
            var idChnl = charIDToTypeID( \"Chnl\" );
            var idMsk = charIDToTypeID( \"Msk \" );
            ref2.putEnumerated( idChnl, idChnl, idMsk );
            desc8.putReference( idnull, ref2 );
            var idAply = charIDToTypeID( \"Aply\" );
            desc8.putBoolean( idAply, true );
            executeAction( idDlt, desc8, DialogModes.NO );"
	end tell
end applyLayerMask_