I’m trying to get a couple of scripts working together to automate my iPhoto/Photoshop tasks. One (I assume the PS one) keeps giving me an error. This script performs a PS action on photos selected in iPhoto, and then saves it to the selected folder (Temp). Here’s the text:
property default_action : "AutoContrast"
property default_set : "CustomActions"
tell application "iPhoto"
set the view to organize
copy (my selected_images()) to these_images
if these_images is false then error "Please select some images before using this script."
display dialog "Do Photoshop Action" & return & return & "This script will perform the indicated Photoshop action on the selected images." & return & return & "Default Action: " & default_action & return & "Action Set: " & default_set buttons {"Cancel", "Set Prefs", "Continue"} default button 3
set the user_choice to the button returned of the result
if the user_choice is "Continue" then
exit repeat
-- prompt to set the action
display dialog "Enter the name of the action to play." & return & return & "Note that the case of letters in the Action name is important and must match the case of the name in the Photoshop Actions palette." default answer default_action buttons {"Set", "Skip"} default button 2
copy the result as list to {text_returned, button_pressed}
if the button_pressed is "Set" then set default_action to (the text_returned) as string
-- prompt to set the action set
display dialog "Enter the name of the action set containing the action being played." & return & return & "Note that the case of letters in the Action Set name is important and must match the case of the name in the Photoshop Actions palette." default answer default_set buttons {"Set", "Skip"} default button 2
copy the result as list to {text_returned, button_pressed}
if the button_pressed is "Set" then set default_set to (the text_returned) as string
end if
end repeat
set the target_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose a destination folder for the duplicated images:") as string
set these_files to {}
repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_images
set this_image to item i of these_images
-- get image paths and convert POSIX paths to alias references
set this_file to the image path of this_image
set this_file to (this_file as POSIX file) as alias
set the end of these_files to this_file
end repeat
on error error_message number error_number
if the error_number is not -128 then
display dialog error_message buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end if
return "user cancelled"
end try
end tell
tell application "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
set display dialogs to never
set the processed_images to {}
repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_files
set this_file to item i of these_files
close every document saving no
open this_file showing dialogs never
set the doc_name to the name of the current document
set the target_file to (target_folder & doc_name)
save current document in file target_file as JPEG
do action default_action from default_set
flatten current document
save current document
close current document saving no
set the end of the processed_images to ((file target_file) as alias)
end repeat
on error error_message
display dialog error_message buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
end try
end tell
on selected_images()
tell application "iPhoto"
-- get selection
set these_items to the selection
-- check for single album selected
if the class of item 1 of these_items is album then error
-- return the list of selected photos
return these_items
on error
return false
end try
end tell
end selected_images
Then, a folder action script attached to the Temp folder (which the last script saved the edited pics to) imports any files added to that folder back into iPhoto. Here’s that one:
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
set this_item to this_folder
-- convert the file reference to UNIX style
set this_path to the POSIX path of this_item
display dialog "Import these Photos to iPhoto?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 1
if button returned of the result is "Yes" then
-- bring the target application to the front
tell application "iPhoto"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "iPhoto"
-- summon the import dialog
click menu item "Import�" of menu "File" of menu bar 1
-- enter the path to the image in the dialog input
set the value of text field 1 of group 1 of group 2 of window "Import Photos" to this_path
delay 1
-- click to start the import
click button "Import" of window "Import Photos"
if the last character of (this_item as string) is ":" then
-- it's a folder so click the import button again
click button "Import" of window "Import Photos"
end if
end tell
end tell
on error error_message
display dialog error_message buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end try
end tell
display dialog "Delete Originals?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 2
if button returned of the result is "Yes" then
tell application "Finder" to delete items of this_folder
end if
end if
end adding folder items to
The problem I’m having is that somewhere between the PS action script finishing and the folder action script finishing, I get this error: NSRecieverEvaluationScriptError: 4. The PS action script is working, b/c the edited files are in the Temp folder. But the error appears after the “Import photos into iPhoto” dialog, and before the “Delete Originals?” dialog. One other bizarre behavior here, is that the import script will then repeat itself, at least until the originals are actually deleted.
Please help!