set i to choose file -- open any PDF file
set thePath to i as text -- This is the path of the file opened
--display dialog thePath -- show me the path
tell application "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
open i as PDF with options {width:3, page:1, resolution:72, mode:RGB, constrain proportions:true} -- open the pdf as a 72 dpi thumbnail
save in "DEPTS:CHEMICON:Marketing:Literature:Thumbnails:" as JPEG with options {quality:5} with copying
--do action "PDF Thumbnail" from "Saver Actions.atn" -- this works but the actions would have to be installed on the host computer running the script
end tell
set PDF_dest to quoted form of POSIX path of "DEPTS:CHEMICON:Marketing:Literature:PDFs:" -- this is the destination folder for the pdf to be copied to
set PDF_source to quoted form of POSIX path of (i as text) --thePath
do shell script "cp " & PDF_source & " " & PDF_dest -- this copies the pdf file to the destination folder
I use the preceeding script to open a pdf file at 72 dpi and 3" wide then save the result to a jpg file and copy the new jpg to a folder and copy the orignal pdf to a folder both on network volumes
problem is in the red highlighted section save in “DEPTS:CHEMICON:Marketing:Literature:Thumbnails:” as JPEG with options {quality:5} with copying
PS tells me
anybody understand what is happening?
i have a work around by writing an action to do the same
commented out --do action “PDF Thumbnail” from “Saver Actions.atn”
but i would like to maintain portability of this script to other machines withou copying my actions set to each machine as well
set i to choose file -- open any PDF file
set thePath to i as text -- This is the path of the file opened
--display dialog thePath -- show me the path
set this_info to info for i
set the current_name to the displayed name of this_info
tell application "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
open i as PDF with options {width:3, page:1, resolution:72, mode:RGB, constrain proportions:true} -- open the pdf as a 72 dpi thumbnail
flatten document 1
save in "DEPTS:CHEMICON:Marketing:Literature:Thumbnails:" & current_name as JPEG with options {quality:5} appending lowercase extension with copying
--do action "PDF Thumbnail" from "Saver Actions.atn" -- this works but the actions would have to be installed on the host computer running the script
end tell
set PDF_dest to quoted form of POSIX path of "DEPTS:CHEMICON:Marketing:Literature:PDFs:" -- this is the destination folder for the pdf to be copied to
set PDF_source to quoted form of POSIX path of (i as text) --thePath
do shell script "cp " & PDF_source & " " & PDF_dest -- this copies the pdf file to the destination folder
save in "DEPTS:CHEMICON:Marketing:Literature:Thumbnails:" & current_name as JPEG with options {quality:5} appending lowercase extension with copying
save document 1 in (("DEPTS:CHEMICON:Marketing:Literature:Thumbnails:" & current_name) as file specification) as JPEG with options {quality:5} appending lowercase extension with copying
save document 1 in file "DEPTS:CHEMICON:Marketing:Literature:Thumbnails: FIG_English.pdf" as JPEG with options {quality:5} appending lowercase extension with copying
"Adobe Photoshop 7.0 got an error: invalid file path" :(
I tried to use a file with no spaces and it still wont save i also cut the extension off the original file name
save document 1 in file "DEPTS:CHEMICON:Marketing:Literature:Thumbnails: FIG_English" as JPEG with options {quality:5} appending lowercase extension with copying
"Adobe Photoshop 7.0 got an error: invalid file path"
It doesn’t look like you changed your code the way I suggested. You’re using: file “path:to:file”, while my code suggested, “path:to:file” as file specification. This code works flawlessly for me including opening the PDF and saving the JPEG with the proper extension:
I am sorry i don’t think i understood what you were trying to help me with
I thought i copied your post into my script
haven’t had a chance to try the second post but i will i had to go check out the
i copied your script exact and it will not let me save the JPG file to the volume indicated
I am beginning to think it may be a Rights issue with the network volume I am planning on trying it on some local volumes instead
Script to markup code
After further experimenting i have found that i can manually save a jpg file to the network volume with no problem , but it fails when run through the AS
Strange :?
Has anyone else found anything similar when saving to a shared volume
I know for a workaround i could save it to my HD then cp or mv it to the volume.