I am looking to place a two page pdf into indesign cs2 onto 1 page, I can either get page 1 or page 2 of my pdf to be placed, but not both at the same time
I have found this thread to be very informative, but cannot figure how to get the 2 pages of my pdf to be placed at he same time.
so far I have this
tell me to set thePDF to choose file with prompt “Choose a pdf” of type {"PDF "} without invisibles
display dialog "How many pages to import: " default answer 1
set PDFpages to text returned of the result
set pageCount to “1”
tell application “Adobe InDesign CS2”
set newDoc to make document
set horizontal measurement units of view preferences of newDoc to millimeters
set vertical measurement units of view preferences of newDoc to millimeters
set page width of document preferences of newDoc to “311 mm”
set page height of document preferences of newDoc to “484 mm”
set pages per document of document preferences of newDoc to (pageCount as number)
set page orientation of document preferences of newDoc to portrait
set page number of PDF place preferences to PDFpages as number
place thePDF on page 1 of newDoc
could I get some advice on this please?