Place text in tabelcel and deleting table from stream (Indesign CS5)

Hi there,

In Indesign CS5 I can place text in a frame addressing it with the scriptlabel I put to the frame.
I can also put a label to the cell of a table.

Question is how do I get text in that cel?

I’ve tried something like this:

set myKaderFrame to contents of cell 1 of table 1 whose label is “kader”

but this doen’t work.

A other (related) question:
in a imported word-file a table is embedded in the textflow.
Is it possible to delete this table?

TIA Erwin

I think you also need to address the text frame. Since all tables are in a text frame.

tell item 1 of every text frame whose label is “aTextFrame”
set myKaderFrame to contents of cell 1 of table 1 whose label is “kader”