Below is an extract from a script that places a PDF in to a frame on a page, it was working in CS4 but it has broke in CS5. It all works up to the placing of the PDF - The error message reads Error: -1708 Error String “insert:File path to the PDF” doesn’t understand the place message.
Here the script.
tell active document
--make layers
set myLayer to make layer with properties {name:"impo-PDF", layer color:red, visible:true}
end tell
repeat with x from 1 to pageCountPDF
set myPage to page x of active document
--set the pdf import options
set page number of PDF place preferences to x
set PDF crop of PDF place preferences to crop media
set transparent background of PDF place preferences to false
-- start placing the PDF
-- set frame size
set lhboxBounds to {0, 0, 312, 111}
tell myPage
set myRectangle to make rectangle with properties {geometric bounds:lhboxBounds, fill color:"None", stroke color:"None", stroke weight:0}
--Rotate pdf ?
set myPlacedPDF1 to place thePDF with properties {rotation angle:myPDFrotation + 90} on myRectangle
set myPlacedPDF1 to item 1 of myPlacedPDF1
--re-position PDF within frame
fit myRectangle given center content
-- dupe up frame
move (duplicate myRectangle) by {111, 0}
move (duplicate myRectangle) by {222, 0}
move (duplicate myRectangle) by {333, 0}
end tell
Any help would be great as I can’t find anything on this
many thanks