How can I load and play a (system) sound?
How can I load and play a (system) sound?
You can do this in AppleScript with afplay:
do shell script "afplay '/System/Library/Sounds/Hero.aiff'"
Try something like:
current application's NSSound's soundNamed_("Submarine")'s play()
Thanks to Caleb531 and Shane!
This works:
But that is odd:
The compiler doesn’t like it: “Expected expression but found command name.”
But when I build the app nevertheless, it sounds. (???)
Perhaps they messed up for once.
The same thing happens with the compiler for setting a title for a dialog window such as:
display dialog “Test” with title “Test”
It looks like “play” is a reserved AppleScript word, so you need to add pipes around it:
current application's NSSound's soundNamed_("Submarine")'s |play|()
That looks like a straight terminology conflict. You can get around it using the raw terms for just the title:
display dialog "Test" given «class appr»:"Test"
first the good news:
Indeed, ‘play’ is a reserved word of AS. The error message is gone after inserting the pipe.
The bad news:
Silence around.
Are you sure you put the pipes in the right place? I can hear the submarine here…
Sorry Shane,
I’m a fool. I’ve forgotten to add the recource to the project. Now it sounds!!!
Actually, you shouldn’t have to add it to the project, as long as it’s a standard sound. From the docs:
I didn’t add it my app, and it still played. But maybe you’re actually using a non-system sound.
Shane, thanks for your remarks!
I found out, that my system sounds are only in /System/Library/Sounds. All the others folders are empty. I don’t know why, I repaired it.
That should be enough for the app to find them.