Please advise me on what's wrong with this script

G’day from Oz

Last year, under Tiger, I wrote an Studio App that retrieved info from desktop folders. Now I’ve upgraded to Leopard and I’ve put the folders into a single desktop folder called ‘Mail Printing Folder’, and of course my App can’t find them.

I’ve tried to re-write the Applescript, and keep getting errors with the formatting, starting with the ‘launched’ command.

I’ve searched for an answer but can’t find anything. Has the Applescript format for Studio been updated?

I’ll post my code below,and ask if anyone can guide me on the correct format, or if not, perhaps a site where I can find the correct information.

Thanks, and regards


-- rtfd Loader.applescript
-- rtfd Loader

--  Created by Brian on 7/08/07.
--  Copyright 2007 __MeSelf__. All rights reserved.

global theDataSource
global datasource2
global DeskTopPath
global theWindow
global SelectedItem
global theYear
property theSenderList : {}
property thertfdList : {}
property finalList : {}
property SenderFlag : false
property rtfdFlag : false
property contactsDataSource : null

on launched theObject
	-- Show the main window
	set the visible of window 1 to true
end launched

on action   theObject
	if name of theObject is "myTableView" then
		my showrtfds()
	end if
	if name of theObject is "rtfd Table" then
		my Getrtfd()
	end if
	if name of theObject is "Year selector" then
		set content of table view 1 of scroll view 1 of split view 1 of theWindow to {}
		set content of table view "rtfdtable" of scroll view "rtfdscroll" of split view 1 of theWindow to {}
		set contents of text field "messages" of theWindow to "Select a year, and click the magnifying glass icon."
		set contents of text field "SearchIn" of theWindow to "Search for rtfd in...."
		set the thertfdList to {}
		set SenderFlag to false
		set rtfdFlag to false
	end if
end action

on awake from nib theObject
	set DeskTopPath to path to desktop 
	if name of theObject is "Year selector" then
		tell application "Finder"
			set the_list to every item offolder "Mail Printing Folder" of  desktop
			set temp_list to {}
			repeat with AnItem in the_list
				set theName to name of AnItem
				if the theName contains "Mail Data" and class of AnItem is folder and (count of theName) = 14 then
					set end of temp_list to name of AnItem
				end if
			end repeat
		end tell
		if (count of temp_list) > 0 then
			tell theWindow
				delete every menu item of menu of popup button "Year selector"
				repeat with each_Item in temp_list
					make new menu item at the end of menu items of menu of popup button "Year selector" with properties {name:each_Item, title:each_Item, enabled:true}
				end repeat
			end tell
			display dialog "There does not seem to be any 'Mail Data' folders on this desktop."
		end if
	end if
	if name of theObject is "cancel" then
		quit me
	end if
end awake from nib

on clicked theObject
	if name of theObject is "Go button" then
		my ShowSender()
	end if
end clicked

on double clicked theObject
	if name of theObject is "myTableView" then
		set rowIndex to clicked row of theObject
		if rowIndex is greater than 0 then
			tell theObject
				set xx to selected row
				if xx > 0 then set select_item to content of item xx of (get sorted data rows of data source of it)
			end tell
			set theName to |Sender| of select_item & "<" & |Email address| of select_item & ">"
			my showrtfds(theName)
		end if
	end if
	if name of theObject is "rtfdtable" then
		set rowIndex to clicked row of theObject
		if rowIndex is greater than 0 then
			tell theObject
				set xx to selected row
				if xx > 0 then set select_item to content of item xx of (get sorted data rows of data source of it)
			end tell
			set theName to |rtfd name| of select_item
			my Getrtfd(theName)
		end if
	end if
end double clicked

on will open theObject
	set theWindow to the theObject
	tell progress indicator "progress" of theWindow
		set indeterminate to false
		set contents to 0
	end tell
	set contents of text field "messages" of theWindow to "Select a year, and click the magnifying glass icon."
end will open

on mouse entered theObject event theEvent
	if name of theObject is "Year selector" then
		set contents of text field "messages" of theWindow to "Select a year, and click the magnifying glass icon."
	end if
	if name of theObject is "myTableView" and SenderFlag then
		set contents of text field "messages" of theWindow to "Just click once on a Sender name."
	end if
	if name of theObject is "rtfdScroll" and rtfdFlag then
		set contents of text field "messages" of theWindow to "Just click once on an rtfd name."
	end if
end mouse entered

on choose menu item theObject
	set theCommand to tag of theObject
	if theCommand = 0 then
		tell application "rtfd Loader 20-24-14"
			set visible of window 1 to true
		end tell
	end if
end choose menu item

-- The "column clicked" event handler is called when the user clicks on a table column in the table view. We will use this handler to change the sort column of the data source as well as the sort order.
on column clicked theObject table column tableColumn
		-- Get the data source of the table view
		set theDataSource to data source of theObject
		-- Get the identifier of the clicked table column
		set theColumnIdentifier to identifier of tableColumn
		-- Get the current sort column of the data source
		set theSortColumn to sort column of theDataSource
		-- If the current sort column is not the same as the clicked column then switch the sort column
		if (name of theSortColumn) is not equal to theColumnIdentifier then
			set the sort column of theDataSource to data column theColumnIdentifier of theDataSource
			-- Otherwise change the sort order
			if sort order of theSortColumn is ascending then
				set the sort case sensitivity of theSortColumn to case insensitive
				set sort order of theSortColumn to descending
				set the sort case sensitivity of theSortColumn to case insensitive
				set sort order of theSortColumn to ascending
			end if
		end if
		-- We need to update the table view (so it will be redrawn)
		update theObject
	end try
end column clicked

on will become active theObject
	set visible of window 1 to true
end will become active


on SetrtfdColumns()
	set theObject to table view 1 of scroll view 2 of split view 1 of theWindow
	-- Get the data source of the table view
	set theDataSource to data source of theObject
	set the sort column of theDataSource to data column "rtfd name" of theDataSource
	set the sort case sensitivity of the sort column of theDataSource to case insensitive
	set sorted of theDataSource to true
end SetrtfdColumns

on ShowSender()
	set content of table view 1 of scroll view 1 of split view 1 of theWindow to {}
	set content of table view "rtfdtable" of scroll view "rtfdscroll" of split view 1 of theWindow to {}
	set SelectedItem to title of current menu item of popup button "Year selector" of theWindow as string
	if SelectedItem ≠ "" then
		set theYear to characters -4 thru end of SelectedItem as string
		set temppath to DeskTopPath & SelectedItem as string
		tell application "Finder"
			set theFilelist to every item of folder temppath
			set thecounter to count of theFilelist
		end tell
		tell progress indicator "progress" of theWindow
			set indeterminate to false
			set minimum value to 0
			set maximum value to thecounter
			set contents to 0
		end tell
		set theSenderList to {}
		set contents of text field "messages" of theWindow to "Please wait."
		set TheEmailAddress to {}
		repeat with EachPage in theFilelist
			tell progress indicator "progress" of theWindow to increment by 1
			set WholeList to (read file (EachPage as string) using delimiter return) as list
			repeat with x in items of WholeList
					set xx to my textToList(x, ",")
					if (count of xx) > 3 and "<" is in item 3 of xx then
						set item 2 of xx to item 2 of xx & "." & item 3 of xx
						set item 3 of xx to item 4 of xx
					end if
					if item 2 of xx is not in theSenderList then
						set end of theSenderList to item 2 of xx
						set end of TheEmailAddress to my extractAddressName(item 2 of xx)
					end if
				end try
			end repeat
		end repeat
		delay 0.5
		tell progress indicator "progress" of theWindow
			set contents to 0
		end tell
		set contents of text field "messages" of theWindow to "Now click on a Sender to make an rftd list from."
		set SenderFlag to true
		my addMessage(TheEmailAddress)
	end if
end ShowSender

on addMessage(TheEmailAddress)
	set theDataSource to table view 1 of scroll view 1 of split view 1 of theWindow
	set content of theDataSource to TheEmailAddress
	set theObject to table view 1 of scroll view 1 of split view 1 of theWindow
	if name of theObject is "myTableView" then
		-- Get the data source of the table view
		set theDataSource to data source of theObject
		set the sort column of theDataSource to data column "Sender" of theDataSource
		set the sort case sensitivity of the sort column of theDataSource to case insensitive
		set sorted of theDataSource to true
	end if
	my SetrtfdColumns()
end addMessage

on showrtfds(theSender)
	set temppath to DeskTopPath & SelectedItem as string
	tell application "Finder"
		set theFilelist to every item of folder temppath
		set thecounter to count of theFilelist
	end tell
	tell progress indicator "progress" of theWindow
		set indeterminate to false
		set minimum value to 0
		set maximum value to thecounter
		set contents to 0
	end tell
	set finalList to {}
	set thertfdList to {}
	set contents of text field "messages" of theWindow to "Please wait."
	repeat with EachPage in theFilelist
		tell progress indicator "progress" of theWindow to increment by 1
		set WholeList to (read file (EachPage as string) using delimiter return) as list
		repeat with x in items of WholeList
			set xx to my textToList(x, ",")
				if (count of xx) > 3 and "<" is in item 3 of xx then
					set item 2 of xx to item 2 of xx & "." & item 3 of xx
					set item 3 of xx to item 4 of xx
				end if
				if "<" is not in item 2 of xx then set item 2 of xx to "<" & item 2 of xx & ">"
				set temp to characters 3 thru -3 of theSender
				if item 2 of xx = theSender or temp is in item 2 of xx then
					set end of finalList to {item 1 of xx, item 3 of xx, item 2 of xx}
					set end of thertfdList to item 1 of xx
				end if
			end try
		end repeat
	end repeat
	set content of table view "rtfdtable" of scroll view "rtfdscroll" of split view 1 of theWindow to finalList
	delay 0.5
	tell progress indicator "progress" of theWindow
		set contents to 0
	end tell
	set contents of text field "messages" of theWindow to "Please now select an rtfd."
	set rtfdFlag to true
end showrtfds

on Getrtfd(thertfd)
	set temppath to DeskTopPath & SelectedItem as string
	set errorflag to false
	set NoFolderFlag to false
	set the SearchPath to the title of current menu item of popup button "Search" of theWindow as string
	if SearchPath = "Desktop Yearly folder" then set SearchPath to "Yearly Orders " & theYear
	if SearchPath = "Server Daily folder" then set SearchPath to "Taz.VOL1:Art Dept:!preflight_art:Daily Email Orders"
	if SearchPath = "Server Yearly folder" then set SearchPath to "Taz.VOL1:Art Dept:!preflight_art:Yearly Email Orders " & theYear
	tell application "Finder"
		set FileName to SearchPath
		if exists folder FileName then
			set theFilelist to every item of (entire contents of folder FileName) whose name is thertfd & ".rtfd"
			if theFilelist = {} then
				set errorflag to true
			end if
			repeat with x in theFilelist
				tell application "TextEdit"
						open x as alias
					end try
				end tell
			end repeat
			set NoFolderFlag to true
		end if
	end tell
	if NoFolderFlag then
		set theSound to (load sound "/System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff")
		play theSound
		delete theSound
		repeat 16 times
			set contents of text field "messages" of theWindow to ""
			delay 0.1
			set contents of text field "messages" of theWindow to "The data folder " & FileName & " couldn't be found."
			delay 0.2
		end repeat
	end if
	if errorflag then
		set theSound to (load sound "/System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff")
		play theSound
		delete theSound
		repeat 16 times
			set contents of text field "messages" of theWindow to ""
			delay 0.1
			set contents of text field "messages" of theWindow to "Document " & thertfd & " couldn't be found."
			delay 0.2
		end repeat
	end if
end Getrtfd

on extractAddressName(theitem)
	set temp to my textToList(theitem, "<")
		if (count of items in temp) = 1 then set temp to {"", temp}
		set item 2 of temp to my replace_chars(item 2 of temp, ">", "")
	end try
	return temp
end extractAddressName

on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
	set KeepDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
	set the item_list to every text item of this_text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
	set this_text to the item_list as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to KeepDelimiters
	return this_text
end replace_chars

on textToList(theText, theSep)
	set {myTID, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, theSep}
	set soFar to text items of theText
	set my text item delimiters to myTID
	return soFar
end textToList

on sort_list(theList)
	set nl to (ASCII character 10)
	tell (a reference to my text item delimiters)
		set {old_delim, contents} to {contents, nl}
		set {theList, contents} to {"" & theList, old_delim}
	end tell
	return paragraphs of (do shell script "echo " & (quoted form of theList) & " | sort")
end sort_list

on clearMessages()
	tell scroll view "rtfd Scroll" of split view 1 of theWindow
		tell data source of table view "messages" to delete every data row
	end tell
end clearMessages

Model: intel iMac
Browser: Safari 525.18
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)

At least in this line a space character in offolder is missing

set the_list to every item of folder "Mail Printing Folder" of desktop

I recommend to name the main window e.g. “main” to specify it reliably

on launched theObject
   set visible of window "main" to true
end launched