I am a trying to move a layer down in a stack of layers in PS 7, but the move command is eluding me.
tell application "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
--open specific document.
set theFile to alias "Brian:Users:brian:Desktop:ALLavendarDayDreamNightDres.tif"
open theFile
-- Create layer and fill with white then move down one layer
make new art layer at beginning of current document ¬
with properties {name:"new layer", blend mode:normal}
select all current document
fill selection of current document with contents ¬
{class:RGB color, red:255, green:255, blue:255}
deselect current document
move layer "new layer" of current document to art layer previous
end tell
The error reads:’ Adobe Photoshop 7.0 got an error: Can’t get layer “new layer” of current document.’
I guess I do not understand what the move command wants to reference before and after the to.
Any insight into solving this would be greatly appreciated.