Please help with this script thanks

Suddenly the script no longer works in Snow Leopard … I think I misspelled parts of it … thanks for any help

set specificFolder to (choose folder) -- *** destination folder ***--

tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
	tell database "Names_Ids"
		tell table 1
			set theseURLs to field "Link" -- get all URL
			set theseName to field "Name"
			set theseID to field "ID"
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

set firstTime to true
set tc to (count theseURLs)
repeat with i from 1 to tc
	set archiveName to item i of theseName & " " & item i of theseID
	tell application "Safari" to activate
	tell application "System Events"
		tell process "Safari"
			keystroke "p" using command down
			tell front window
				repeat until exists sheet 1
					delay 0.1
				end repeat
				tell sheet 1
					click menu button "PDF"
					repeat until exists menu 1 of menu button "PDF"
						delay 0.1
					end repeat
					click menu item "Save as PDF." of menu 1 of menu button "PDF"
				end tell
			end tell
			repeat until exists window "Save"
				delay 0.2
			end repeat
			tell window "Save"
				keystroke "g" using {command down, shift down}
				repeat until exists sheet 1
					delay 0.2
				end repeat
				repeat while exists sheet 1
					delay 0.2
				end repeat
				set value of text field 1 to (archiveName & ".pdf") as string
				click button "Save"
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end repeat


It seems to me that this line

 set value of text field 1 to (archiveName & ".pdf") as string 

should be moved up and in between the two repeat loops, after the one waiting for the sheet for a path to come up, and before the other loop waiting for it to disappear again, at almost the very end of your script.

I hope this helps. :slight_smile:

Thanks however I get this error:
System Events got an error: Can’t get text field 1 of process “Safari”. Invalid index.

this was how I changed the script according to your kind suggestion

set specificFolder to (choose folder) -- *** destination folder ***--

tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
	tell database "Names_Ids"
		tell table 1
			set theseURLs to field "Link" -- get all URL
			set theseName to field "Name"
			set theseID to field "ID"
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

set firstTime to true
set tc to (count theseURLs)
repeat with i from 1 to tc
	set archiveName to item i of theseName & " " & item i of theseID
	tell application "Safari" to activate
	tell application "System Events"
		tell process "Safari"
			keystroke "p" using command down
			tell front window
				repeat until exists sheet 1
					delay 0.1
				end repeat
				tell sheet 1
					click menu button "PDF"
					repeat until exists menu 1 of menu button "PDF"
						delay 0.1
					end repeat
					click menu item "Save as PDF." of menu 1 of menu button "PDF"
				end tell
			end tell
			set value of text field 1 to (archiveName & ".pdf") as string
			repeat until exists window "Save"
				delay 0.2
			end repeat
			tell window "Save"
				keystroke "g" using {command down, shift down}
				repeat until exists sheet 1
					delay 0.2
				end repeat
				repeat while exists sheet 1
					delay 0.2
				end repeat
				click button "Save"
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end repeat


		tell window "Save"
			keystroke "g" using {command down, shift down}
			repeat until exists sheet 1
				delay 0.2
			end repeat
			set value of text field 1 of sheet 1 to archiveName & ".pdf"
			click button "Go" of sheet 1
			repeat while exists sheet 1
				delay 0.2
			end repeat
			click button "Save"
		end tell


I meant like Stefan has done, I should really have edited it, and realized I missed the click of the “Go” button.

Is rather strange
In the selected folder I find the first file with the names as in FMP and the PDF extension but the script stops thelling me as follows:

System Events got an error: Can’t get menu button “PDF” of sheet 1 of window 1 of process “Safari”.

While looking at the script it performs exactly what is required but then it halts while is should repeat opening the following url.

It looks as if the script tries to repeat the print action after it is already done …

Where is my error?

Thanks for the help


I used your original scripts, and changed something. ( I just tested the Safari part, on what was active in my window, as I haven’t got your database, nor can I see how you load the Url’s into Safari.

property save_win_title : "Save"

set specificFolder to (choose folder) -- *** destination folder ***--

tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
	tell database "Names_Ids"
		tell table 1
			set theseURLs to field "Link" -- get all URL
			set theseName to field "Name"
			set theseID to field "ID"
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

set firstTime to true
set tc to (count theseURLs)
repeat with i from 1 to tc
	set archiveName to item i of theseName & " " & item i of theseID
	tell application "Safari" to activate
	tell application "System Events"
		tell process "Safari"
			keystroke "p" using command down
			tell front window
				repeat until exists sheet 1
					delay 0.1
				end repeat
				tell sheet 1
					click menu button "PDF"
					delay 3
					repeat until exists menu 1 of menu button "PDF"
						delay 0.1
					end repeat
					click menu item 2 of menu 1 of menu button "PDF"
				end tell
			end tell
			repeat until exists window (my save_win_title)
				delay 0.2
			end repeat
			tell window (my save_win_title)
				keystroke "g" using {command down, shift down}
				repeat until exists sheet 1
					delay 0.2
				end repeat
				set value of text field 1 of sheet 1 to (archiveName & ".pdf") as string
				click button 2 of sheet 1
				repeat while exists sheet 1
					delay 0.2
				end repeat
				click button 1
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end repeat