please help!

ok… can anyone help me here… ??

I am trying to accomplish the following:

one part of the script is examining HTML in textEdit, and searching for composer,artist,title,and album information for mp3s on the web.

It is gathering this information and then trying to access Itunes and reassign the mp3 tages to the corresponding data…

I cant seem to see how I am supposed to accomplish this when I have two repeat statements belonging to two seperate applications…

So what can I do to make this work??


set mickeymouse to false
set donaldduck to false
set speaknmath to 0
set artistname to {}
set titlename to {}
set composername to {}
set albumname to {}
set trackmodlist to {}
			tell application "iTunes"
	if selection is not {} then
		set sel to a reference to selection
		set number_of_tracks to count items of sel
			repeat with aTrack in sel
			tell application "TextEdit"
				set allcharacters to every paragraph of document 1
				log allcharacters
				repeat with x in allcharacters
					if x contains "<td>" and x contains "</td>" and x does not contain "<td></td>" then
						set theCharacters to characters of x
						log theCharacters
						repeat with tmpChar in theCharacters
							set tmpcharstr to (tmpChar as string)
							if tmpcharstr = ">" and not donaldduck then
								log tmpWord
								set tmpcharstr to ""
								set donaldduck to true
							else if tmpcharstr = "<" and donaldduck then
								set donaldduck to false
								set mickeymouse to true
							end if
							if mickeymouse then
								set tmpWord to tmpWord & return
								set mickeymouse to false
							end if
							if donaldduck then
								set tmpWord to tmpWord & tmpcharstr
							end if
						end repeat
						if speaknmath = 0 then
							if tmpWord ? "" then
								set the end of artistname to tmpWord
tell application "iTunes"
set artist of aTrack to tmpWord
								log "artistname " & tmpWord
								--		display dialog "artistname " & tmpWord & " speaknmath: " & speaknmath
								end tell
							end if
						end if
						if speaknmath = 1 then
							if tmpWord ? "" then
								set the end of titlename to tmpWord
								tell application "iTunes"
set name of aTrack to tmpWord
								end tell
								log "titlename " & tmpWord
								--		display dialog "titlename " & tmpWord & " speaknmath: " & speaknmath
							end if
						end if
						if speaknmath = 2 then
							if tmpWord ? "" then
								set the end of composername to tmpWord
								tell application "iTunes"
set composer of aTrack to tmpWord
end tell
								log "composername " & tmpWord
								--		display dialog "composername " & tmpWord & " speaknmath: " & speaknmath
							end if
						end if
						if speaknmath = 3 then
							if tmpWord ? "" then
								set the end of albumname to tmpWord
								tell application "iTunes"
set album of aTrack to tmpWord
end tell
								log "albumname " & tmpWord
								--		display dialog "albumname " & tmpWord & " speaknmath: " & speaknmath
							end if
						end if
						if speaknmath < 3 then
							set speaknmath to speaknmath + 1
							log "math increased " & speaknmath
							set speaknmath to 0
						end if
					end if
					set tmpWord to ""
				end repeat
			end tell
			set name of aTrack to album_field
			set album of aTrack to album_field
			set composer of aTrack to composer_field
	end repeat
	end if
end tell
	end repeat
	end if
end tell