Populating cell pop up button

I’m trying to populate the pop up button in a cell but can’t seem to get it to work.

Here’s my code:

tell data source 1 of table view "itemlist" of scroll view "itemlistscroll" of window "mainWin"
	set menuDataCell to data cell 1 of table column 2
	call method "removeAllItems" of menuDataCell
	call method "addItemsWithTitles:" of menuDataCell with parameter {"Yes", "No"}
	set update views to true
end tell

Hi there,

You don’t need to tell the data source to do it. You actually just have to tell the table view to do it.


tell table view "itemlist" of scroll view "itemlistscroll" of window "mainWin"
   set menuDataCell to data cell 1 of table column 2
   call method "removeAllItems" of menuDataCell
   call method "addItemsWithTitles:" of menuDataCell with parameter {"Yes", "No"}
   set update views to true
end tell