POSIX path not working...?

I am using what appears to be a standard Mac OS X Open/Save dialog.

When I try to use the Shift-Command-G combination to get the Go To Folder option, I do get the option, but when I paste in the POSIX path, all I get is “The folder cannot be found.”

I have tried all of the following:

Macintosh HD/Users/jeffrey/Documents
‘Macintosh HD/Users/jeffrey/Documents’

And even

Macintosh HD and ‘Macintosh HD’

I also tried the AS style:

Macintosh HD:Users:jeffrey:Documents

etc, all to no avail. What am I doing wrong?

A POSIX path is a slash separated path starting with a slash as the root volume.
Paths to external volumes start with /Volumes/
/Users/jeffrey/Documents is the correct syntax

That works perfectly.

Thanks again, Stefan :slight_smile: