POSIX path

Ok, i have a script that outputs a shell find script for audio wav files as a POSIX path to the file name. It also returns a list of the file names that may exist, if there is more than one file having the name. Sometimes there are files 1-X. i.e. (\Volumes\Works\file1.wav, \Volumes\Works\file2.wav, \Volumes\Works\file3.wav…)

I can open 1 posix path with “reveal posix file .…” if i end the path at the the containing folder, but how do i essentially say “open the folder containing the files that you found.” The only thing i can think of is to drop all characters or text back to “Works” but that directory may change and isn’t what i’d like to do. Am i missing some syntax or command that i can use. The goal is to take the POSIX file(s) that was found and open the finder window with them highlighted. That way i can simply hit the space bar and “quicklook” them. I’ve done this with automator but am trying to script it now.

I was going to upload the code but ran into problems when i tried to open the .app on another computer and it told me that the classic environment was not supported, so i don’ have the specific example.

One way would be to ask Finder for the container of each file and open that. There are other techniques, too like using text item delimiters to extract just the portion of the string before the final slash. Or, depending on your pathnames, you might be able to do it all inside the shell script (find, xargs, dirname, and open).

set posixpathnameList to {¬
	"/Users/username/Documents/Go SGFs/godojo/Kogo's Joseki Dictionary.sgf", ¬
	"/Users/username/Documents/Go SGFs/GTL - others/4742-StaticE-dato-Konoca.sgf", ¬
	"/Users/username/Documents/Go SGFs/GTL - others/4853-dfelcan-Kountch-andsok75.sgf"}

to openDirsOfPosixPathnames(posixpathnameList)
	set alreadyOpenedDirs to {}
	repeat with posixpathname in posixpathnameList
		set posixpathname to contents of posixpathname -- deref implict ref in "repeat with x in l" loop
		set fileRef to POSIX file posixpathname
		tell application "Finder" to set dir to container of fileRef as alias
		set dirPath to POSIX path of dir
		if alreadyOpenedDirs does not contain dirPath then
			tell application "Finder" to open dir
			set end of alreadyOpenedDirs to dirPath
		end if
	end repeat
	return alreadyOpenedDirs
end openDirsOfPosixPathnames

That is generalized for the case where all the files are not in a single directory. It is a bit verbose because Finder does not really work directly with POSIX file. The alreadyOpenedDirs could be eliminated without a huge impact in most situations (it is there to prevent Finder from “trashing” around opening and re-opening various dirs if there are lots of dirs represented in the list and the list is not sorted so that all the files from each dir are listed consecutively).

Given a posix path to a file, here’s how you can open a Finder window and select it…

set theFile to "/Users/hmcshane/Desktop/test.txt"

tell application "Finder"
	set theWindow to make new Finder window at front
	set target of theWindow to (POSIX file theFile)
end tell

Thanks I’ll play with the options later today when i get to the computer.

Try something like this:

do shell script "/usr/bin/find ~/Downloads -iname '*.jpg' -maxdepth 1"
set foundItems to paragraphs of result

repeat with i from 1 to count foundItems
	set item i of foundItems to (item i of foundItems as POSIX file)
end repeat

tell application "Finder"
	reveal foundItems
end tell

thanks for the post

set theFile to "/Backup/Recordings$/Ray Cano Dv/08123456.m4a"

tell application "Finder"
	set theWindow to make new Finder window at front
	set target of theWindow to (POSIX file theFile)
end tell

I"m getting an error on the last line when i run this. Don’t know why.

All, thanks for the help. its running.

-- gets case number and returns it as a record and then converts it to text

display dialog "What is the Case number? (Please enter without hyphen)" default answer "" buttons {"F2-Go..."} default button 1
set caseId to (text returned of result) as text
log caseId

-- remove hyphen if it was included

if third character of caseId is equal to "-" then
	set cutYear to text 1 thru 2 of caseId
	set cutCase to text 4 thru 9 of caseId
	set caseId to cutYear & cutCase as string
end if

log caseId

-- searches for the audio file
set thefolder to "Backup:Recordings$"
set thefolder to quoted form of POSIX path of thefolder

set theFiles to (do shell script "find " & thefolder & " -type f -name " & caseId & "*.*")

--processes the results of shell script in loop and gets them to HFS
set foundItems to paragraphs of result

repeat with i from 1 to count foundItems
	set item i of foundItems to (item i of foundItems as POSIX file)
end repeat

--opens results with Finder
tell application "Finder"
	reveal foundItems
end tell

@Bruce- i haven’t been able to find the beginner post for shell scripts, is there one. The most confusing thing has been each time i’ve seen a find shell script they all have different “controls or switches?”

-maxdepth 1

so forth, thanks again for the help.

If you don’t use shell scripts, forget POSIX paths

set theFile to "Backup:Recordings$:Ray Cano Dv:08123456.m4a"
tell application "Finder" to	open container of file theFile

Note: a POSIX path of every volume but the startup volume begins with /Volumes

It’s not just for beginners, but you should definitely read TN2065 at some point.

Type man find in Terminal, or run this script:

-- I can't include this link directly
open location "x-man-page://find"

Alternatively, you can read Apple’s online version.

Thanks for the info. I’ll check out the links.