my app have a tableview, where i can drop quarkxpress files and when i double click on a row, i want to open the file in quarkxpress.
I want to dropped files from a server-volume (name of the Servervolume is “STB/MTB”) to the tableview, but when i double click to a row, quarkxpress can not find the file. I think the problem is the name of the server “STB/MTB”, because when i dropped files from another server without a “/” in the name quarkxpress can open the file.
I read something about “quoted form of” but i dont know how i can do this
please help me!
Many thanks!
on double clicked the_object
if name of the_object is "dropped_files" then
set tableView to table view "dropped_files" of scroll view "dropped_files" of window "main"
set theRows to selected data rows of tableView
tell table view "dropped_files" of scroll view "dropped_files" of window "main"
set theDataRow to item 1 of theRows
set fileName to contents of data cell of theDataRow as alias
set fileName to POSIX path of fileName
end tell
tell application "QuarkXPress Passport"
open file fileName use doc prefs yes remap fonts ask do auto picture import ask
end tell
Browser: Safari 312
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)