Powerpoint to PDF

I am newbie to applescript… I need to implement the applescript code into my cocoa project.

I need to convert the MS Word , MS Powerpoint and MS Excel files into PDF… How can i do this using applescript?
Can anyone help me out?

Thank u in advance

Any Suggestions???

if you’re using leopard not sl you can you this if you install cups-pdf printer (do a google search).

 Create PDFs from Word and other files
 Credit to macadmin at macstuff.beachdogs.org for the printer utility code.
global the_printer

--Choose Folder and sort view

set CFolder to (choose folder with prompt "What folder would you like to work in?")

tell application "Finder"
	open CFolder
	get name of Finder window 1
	set winRef to Finder window 1
	select winRef
	set current view of winRef to list view
	set sort column of list view options of Finder window 1 to modification date column
	delay 0.5
	close winRef
end tell

-- change default printer
tell application "Printer Setup Utility"
	set the_printer to the current printer
	set the_name to the name of the_printer
	if the_name is not "CUPS-PDF" then
		set the_count to the count of printers
		repeat with x from 1 to the_count
			if the name of printer x is "CUPS-PDF" then
				set the current printer to printer x
			end if
		end repeat
	end if
end tell

-- choose files in folder to be printed to pdf
tell application "AppleScript Editor"
	set cFiles to (choose file with prompt "What file(s) would you like to convert to PDF. You may select multiple files." default location CFolder with multiple selections allowed)
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with i from 1 to number of items in cFiles
			set this_item to item i of cFiles
			print this_item
		end repeat
		--change printer back to previous setting and open "Cups folder"	
		tell application "Printer Setup Utility"
			set the current printer to the_printer
		end tell
		tell application "Finder"
			make new Finder window to folder "cups-pdf" of (path to desktop)
		end tell
	end tell
end tell