Preference Files

Hey how would i go about making my program thats built in applescript have some form of saving the settings that it has?

If you’re app only needs to run on OS X v10.3 or later, then check out this article:

Bindings Your Preferences in AppleScript Studio

hey great guide, one problem? how do i read it and put it into my program.

Sorry about the huge code, what im trying to do is so they can set the sensitivity and it will carry over even if they exit the app and reload it

edit : sorry should mention that at the moment the current sensitivity parts in this code are old, but in the nib file i have a slider set up to give the number, the prefrence file out put is

starbuck:~ jamesas$ defaults read
{alarmSensitivity = 8; }

-- MultiAlarm.applescript
-- MultiAlarm
-- Created by semaja2 on 13/04/2006

--Name of Application
property appName : "MultiAlarm"
--machType is either powerbook or ibook or mbp
property machType : "powerbook"
property alarmActivated : "false"
property thisHere : ""
property theUpperX : ""
property theLowerX : ""
property theUpperY : ""
property theLowerY : ""
--Sensitivity 2 for powerbook/ibook 6 for macbook
property sensitivity : "6"
property get_password : "0"
property the_password : "Hello"
property new_password : ""
--Sets old Volume
property theOldVolume : ""
--Sets what the Volume should be set to on alert
property alarmVolumeAlert : "100"
--Tells if voice should be used
property alarmVoice : false
--Used to keep alarm going
property alarmLocked : false
property alert_snd : ""

--When Application loads
on launched theObject
end launched

--When Application Loads NIB
on awake from nib theObject
	set alert_snd to load sound "caralarm.aiff"
end awake from nib

--When Application is Idle
on idle theObject
	--Checks if alarm has been set off
	if alarmLocked is true then
		--Checks if Alarm Should be set off
	else if alarmActivated is true then
		--runs motion cmd to find x and y axis
		set theNewCoords to do shell script thisHere & "Contents/Resources/motion_" & machType & " " & machType
		if theNewCoords is not "" then
			set {theNewX, theNewY} to getXY(theNewCoords)
			set theNewX to theNewX + 1000
			set theNewY to theNewY + 1000
			--Checks the x and y axis for change if change is found it will start the process
			if theNewX is greater than theUpperX or theNewX is less than theLowerX or theNewY is greater than theUpperY or theNewY is less than theLowerY then
				--Activates Lock
				--Sounds Alarm
				--Displays Growl Notification
				GrowlNotify("Theft in progress", "Alarm", "Warning : Theft in progress")
			end if
		end if
	end if
end idle

---------------Interface Functions---------------

--Menu Items

on choose menu item theObject
	set n to name of theObject
	if n is "Arm" then
	else if n is "Disarm" then
		if alarmActivated is true then
			set visible of window "main" to true
			display dialog "Alarm is not Armed"
		end if
	end if
end choose menu item

--Text Fields

on end editing theObject
	set n to name of theObject
	if n is "secureDisarm" then
		set c to content of text field "secureDisarm" of window "main"
		set the_password to c
		set the content of text field "secureDisarm" of window "main" to ""
		if the_password = getPW("MultiAlarm") then
			set visible of window "main" to false
			display dialog "Incorrect Password" attached to window "main"
			beep 2
		end if
	else if n is "secureExit" then
		set c to content of text field "secureExit" of window "quitCheck"
		set the_password to c
		set the content of text field "secureExit" of window "quitCheck" to ""
		if the_password = getPW("MultiAlarm") then
			display dialog "Incorrect Password" attached to window "main"
			beep 2
		end if
		--beep 2
	end if
end end editing

--Clicked objects

on clicked theObject
	set n to name of theObject
	if n is "Disarm" then
		set c to content of text field "secureDisarm" of window "main"
		set the_password to c
		set the content of text field "secureDisarm" of window "main" to ""
		if the_password = getPW("MultiAlarm") then
			set visible of window "main" to false
			display dialog "Incorrect Password" attached to window "main"
			beep 2
		end if
		--beep 2
		--Exit System
	else if n is "exit" then
		set c to content of text field "secureExit" of window "quitCheck"
		set the_password to c
		set the content of text field "secureExit" of window "quitCheck" to ""
		if the_password = getPW("MultiAlarm") then
			display dialog "Incorrect Password" attached to window "main"
			beep 2
		end if
		--beep 2
	else if n is "Enable Alarm" then
	else if n is "Disarm Alarm" then
		if alarmActivated is true then
			set visible of window "main" to true
		end if
	else if n is "Set" then
		set newPWD to content of text field "secureSet" of window "setpass"
		set visible of window "setpass" to false
		--beep 1
	else if n is "voice" then
		if alarmVoice is true then
			set alarmVoice to false
		else if alarmVoice is false then
			set alarmVoice to true
		end if
	else if n is "setSensitvity" then
		set {text:sensitivity} to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter your required sensitivity" attached to window "about" default answer sensitivity) as string
	end if
end clicked

--Gets and organises coordinates
on getXY(theCoords)
	set oldTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set text item delimiters to {" "}
	set theX to first text item of theCoords
	set theY to second text item of theCoords
	set text item delimiters to oldTID
	return {theX, theY}
end getXY

--gets machine name
on getSystem(theMachine)
	set oldTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set text item delimiters to {" "}
	set theName to first text item of theMachine
	set text item delimiters to oldTID
	return {theName}
end getSystem

on setPassword(thePassword)
	tell application "Keychain Scripting"
		set cur_kch to current keychain
			set kch to keychain "passwords"
		on error
			set kch to (make new keychain with properties {name:"Passwords"})
		end try
		unlock kch with password "passwords"
		set current keychain to kch
		set new_key to ¬
			(make new generic key with properties ¬
				{service:"MultiAlarm", account:"MultiAlarm", password:thePassword})
		lock kch
			set current keychain to cur_kch
		end try
	end tell
end setPassword

on getPW(KeyName)
	tell application "Keychain Scripting"
		tell current keychain to tell (some generic key whose name is KeyName) to set PWD to password
	end tell
end getPW

--Checks and controls growl
on GrowlNotify(myName, myTitle, myText)
	set myApp to ""
	tell application "System Events" to set GrowlRunning to ((application processes whose (name is equal to "GrowlHelperApp")) count)
	if GrowlRunning ≥ 1 then
			set myApp to "GrowlHelperApp"
			set notifs to "{\"Alarm Activated\", \"Alarm Deactivated\",\"Theft in progress\"}"
			tell application myApp to run script "register as application \"" & appName & "\" all notifications " & notifs & " default notifications " & notifs & " icon of application \"" & appName & "\""
			tell application myApp to run script "notify with name \"" & myName & "\" title \"" & myTitle & "\" application name \"" & appName & "\" description \"" & myText & "\" icon of application \"" & appName & "\""
		end try
	end if
end GrowlNotify

---------------------Alarm Functions---------------------

--Alarm Activation Script
on alarmActivate(do)
	set theOldVolume to get output volume of (get volume settings)
	set alarmActivated to true
	---------------Sets paths---------------------
	set thisHere to path to me
	set thisHere to POSIX path of thisHere
	--------------Sound Configs-----------------
	--Sets the sound for alarm activation
	set theArming to load sound "armx2.wav"
	--plays the arming sound
	play theArming
	--runs motion cmd to find x and y axis
	set theCoords to do shell script thisHere & "Contents/Resources/motion_" & machType & " " & machType
	if theCoords is not "" then
		set {theX, theY} to getXY(theCoords)
		set theX to theX + 1000
		set theY to theY + 1000
		set theUpperX to theX + sensitivity
		set theLowerX to theX - sensitivity
		set theUpperY to theY + sensitivity
		set theLowerY to theY - sensitivity
	end if
	--Displays growl notification
	GrowlNotify("Alarm Activated", "Alarm", "Warning : Alarm Primed")
end alarmActivate

--Alarm Deactivation Script
on alarmDeactivate(do)
	--Deactivates the check
	set alarmLocked to false
	set alarmActivated to false
	--plays the disarming sound
	beep 2
	play (load sound "arm.wav")
	--Displays growl notification
	GrowlNotify("Alarm Deactivated", "Alarm", "Warning : Alarm Disarmed")
	--Sets Volume to Volume before arming
	set volume output volume theOldVolume
end alarmDeactivate

--Controls what happens when alarm is set off
on alarmAlert(do)
	--Play alarm sound
	play alert_snd
	if alarmVoice is true then
		say "Help! I am being stolen."
	end if
	--beep 1
	--Set the volume to MAX
	set volume alarmVolumeAlert
	--Displays Growl Notification
end alarmAlert

--Controls what happens when alarm is told to lock
on activateLock(do)
	set alarmLocked to true
	set visible of window "main" to true
	--tell application "ScreenSaverEngine"
	--	activate
	--end tell
end activateLock

The problem is that the article was cut off when it was moved to that area. We’re trying to fix it.


on will finish launching theObject
		tell user defaults
			-- make defaults values if they don't exist
			make new default entry at end of default entries with properties {name:"alarmSensitivity", content:0}
		end tell
	on error errMsg number errNum
		log "Error " & errNum & ": " & errMsg
	end try
end will finish launching

on whatever()
	tell user defaults
		set alarmSensitivity to content of default entry "alarmSensitivity"
	end tell
end whatever

ok fairenough any link to the orginal guide?

Also with that code if i was to tell it every time the app started to run:

on will finish launching theObject
tell user defaults
– make defaults values if they don’t exist
make new default entry at end of default entries with properties {name:“alarmSensitivity”, content:6}
end tell
on error errMsg number errNum
log "Error " & errNum & ": " & errMsg
end try

does that mean every time it starts it will reset the setting or will it just put a default in if its not there


Sigh. that’s supposed to be in there too. From the default entry documentation:

hey im having trouble with this, ive done everything and the slider saves its position but it seems that one boot and after pressing set it wont set the sensitivity variable. which of course screws the whole program ot screw up

-- MultiAlarm.applescript
-- MultiAlarm
-- Created by semaja2 on 13/04/2006

--Name of Application
property appName : "MultiAlarm"
--machType is either powerbook or ibook or mbp
property machType : "powerbook"
property alarmActivated : "false"
property thisHere : ""
property theUpperX : ""
property theLowerX : ""
property theUpperY : ""
property theLowerY : ""
--Sensitivity 2 for powerbook/ibook 6 for macbook
property sensitivity : ""
property get_password : "0"
property the_password : "Hello"
property new_password : ""
--Sets old Volume
property theOldVolume : ""
--Sets what the Volume should be set to on alert
property alarmVolumeAlert : "100"
--Tells if voice should be used
property alarmVoice : false
--Used to keep alarm going
property alarmLocked : false
property alert_snd : ""

--When Application loads
on launched theObject
end launched

on will finish launching theObject
		tell user defaults
			-- make defaults values if they don't exist
			make new default entry at end of default entries with properties {name:"alarmSensitivity", content:2}
		end tell
	on error errMsg number errNum
		log "Error " & errNum & ": " & errMsg
	end try
	tell user defaults
		set sensitivity to content of default entry "alarmSensitivity"
	end tell
end will finish launching

--When Application Loads NIB
on awake from nib theObject
	set alert_snd to load sound "caralarm.aiff"
end awake from nib

--When Application is Idle
on idle theObject
	--Checks if alarm has been set off
	if alarmLocked is true then
		--Checks if Alarm Should be set off
	else if alarmActivated is true then
		--runs motion cmd to find x and y axis
		set theNewCoords to do shell script thisHere & "Contents/Resources/motion_" & machType & " " & machType
		if theNewCoords is not "" then
			set {theNewX, theNewY} to getXY(theNewCoords)
			set theNewX to theNewX + 1000
			set theNewY to theNewY + 1000
			--Checks the x and y axis for change if change is found it will start the process
			if theNewX is greater than theUpperX or theNewX is less than theLowerX or theNewY is greater than theUpperY or theNewY is less than theLowerY then
				--Activates Lock
				--Sounds Alarm
				--Displays Growl Notification
				GrowlNotify("Theft in progress", "Alarm", "Warning : Theft in progress")
			end if
		end if
	end if
end idle

---------------Interface Functions---------------

--Menu Items

on choose menu item theObject
	set n to name of theObject
	if n is "Arm" then
	else if n is "Disarm" then
		if alarmActivated is true then
			set visible of window "main" to true
			display dialog "Alarm is not Armed"
		end if
	end if
end choose menu item

--Text Fields

on end editing theObject
	set n to name of theObject
	if n is "secureDisarm" then
		set c to content of text field "secureDisarm" of window "main"
		set the_password to c
		set the content of text field "secureDisarm" of window "main" to ""
		if the_password = getPW("MultiAlarm") then
			set visible of window "main" to false
			display dialog "Incorrect Password" attached to window "main"
			beep 2
		end if
	else if n is "secureExit" then
		set c to content of text field "secureExit" of window "quitCheck"
		set the_password to c
		set the content of text field "secureExit" of window "quitCheck" to ""
		if the_password = getPW("MultiAlarm") then
			display dialog "Incorrect Password" attached to window "main"
			beep 2
		end if
		--beep 2
	end if
end end editing

--Clicked objects

on clicked theObject
	set n to name of theObject
	if n is "Disarm" then
		set c to content of text field "secureDisarm" of window "main"
		set the_password to c
		set the content of text field "secureDisarm" of window "main" to ""
		if the_password = getPW("MultiAlarm") then
			set visible of window "main" to false
			display dialog "Incorrect Password" attached to window "main"
			beep 2
		end if
		--beep 2
		--Exit System
	else if n is "exit" then
		set c to content of text field "secureExit" of window "quitCheck"
		set the_password to c
		set the content of text field "secureExit" of window "quitCheck" to ""
		if the_password = getPW("MultiAlarm") then
			display dialog "Incorrect Password" attached to window "main"
			beep 2
		end if
		--beep 2
	else if n is "Enable Alarm" then
	else if n is "Disarm Alarm" then
		if alarmActivated is true then
			set visible of window "main" to true
		end if
	else if n is "Set" then
		set newPWD to content of text field "secureSet" of window "setpass"
		set visible of window "setpass" to false
		--beep 1
	else if n is "voice" then
		if alarmVoice is true then
			set alarmVoice to false
		else if alarmVoice is false then
			set alarmVoice to true
		end if
	else if n is "setSensitvity" then
		tell user defaults
			set sensitivity to content of default entry "alarmSensitivity"
		end tell
		say sensitivity
		--set {text:sensitivity} to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter your required sensitivity" attached to window "about" default answer sensitivity) as string
	end if
end clicked

--Gets and organises coordinates
on getXY(theCoords)
	set oldTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set text item delimiters to {" "}
	set theX to first text item of theCoords
	set theY to second text item of theCoords
	set text item delimiters to oldTID
	return {theX, theY}
end getXY

--gets machine name
on getSystem(theMachine)
	set oldTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set text item delimiters to {" "}
	set theName to first text item of theMachine
	set text item delimiters to oldTID
	return {theName}
end getSystem

on setPassword(thePassword)
	tell application "Keychain Scripting"
		set cur_kch to current keychain
			set kch to keychain "passwords"
		on error
			set kch to (make new keychain with properties {name:"Passwords"})
		end try
		unlock kch with password "passwords"
		set current keychain to kch
		set new_key to ¬
			(make new generic key with properties ¬
				{service:"MultiAlarm", account:"MultiAlarm", password:thePassword})
		lock kch
			set current keychain to cur_kch
		end try
	end tell
end setPassword

on getPW(KeyName)
	tell application "Keychain Scripting"
		tell current keychain to tell (some generic key whose name is KeyName) to set PWD to password
	end tell
end getPW

--Checks and controls growl
on GrowlNotify(myName, myTitle, myText)
	set myApp to ""
	tell application "System Events" to set GrowlRunning to ((application processes whose (name is equal to "GrowlHelperApp")) count)
	if GrowlRunning ≥ 1 then
			set myApp to "GrowlHelperApp"
			set notifs to "{\"Alarm Activated\", \"Alarm Deactivated\",\"Theft in progress\"}"
			tell application myApp to run script "register as application \"" & appName & "\" all notifications " & notifs & " default notifications " & notifs & " icon of application \"" & appName & "\""
			tell application myApp to run script "notify with name \"" & myName & "\" title \"" & myTitle & "\" application name \"" & appName & "\" description \"" & myText & "\" icon of application \"" & appName & "\""
		end try
	end if
end GrowlNotify

---------------------Alarm Functions---------------------

--Alarm Activation Script
on alarmActivate(do)
	set theOldVolume to get output volume of (get volume settings)
	set alarmActivated to true
	---------------Sets paths---------------------
	set thisHere to path to me
	set thisHere to POSIX path of thisHere
	--------------Sound Configs-----------------
	--Sets the sound for alarm activation
	set theArming to load sound "armx2.wav"
	--plays the arming sound
	play theArming
	--runs motion cmd to find x and y axis
	set theCoords to do shell script thisHere & "Contents/Resources/motion_" & machType & " " & machType
	if theCoords is not "" then
		set {theX, theY} to getXY(theCoords)
		set theX to theX + 1000
		set theY to theY + 1000
		set theUpperX to theX + sensitivity
		set theLowerX to theX - sensitivity
		set theUpperY to theY + sensitivity
		set theLowerY to theY - sensitivity
	end if
	--Displays growl notification
	GrowlNotify("Alarm Activated", "Alarm", "Warning : Alarm Primed")
end alarmActivate

--Alarm Deactivation Script
on alarmDeactivate(do)
	--Deactivates the check
	set alarmLocked to false
	set alarmActivated to false
	--plays the disarming sound
	beep 2
	play (load sound "arm.wav")
	--Displays growl notification
	GrowlNotify("Alarm Deactivated", "Alarm", "Warning : Alarm Disarmed")
	--Sets Volume to Volume before arming
	set volume output volume theOldVolume
end alarmDeactivate

--Controls what happens when alarm is set off
on alarmAlert(do)
	--Play alarm sound
	play alert_snd
	if alarmVoice is true then
		say "Help! I am being stolen."
	end if
	--beep 1
	--Set the volume to MAX
	set volume alarmVolumeAlert
	--Displays Growl Notification
end alarmAlert

--Controls what happens when alarm is told to lock
on activateLock(do)
	set alarmLocked to true
	set visible of window "main" to true
	--tell application "ScreenSaverEngine"
	--	activate
	--end tell
end activateLock

ok ive come to the conclusion that the variables are not being set when they are ment to during the script, any ideas why this would be :S


well after doing a bit of research i was able to set the variables but unfortuantly the prefrence files are saved in unitext so they dont work as variables, does anyone know how to set them back to normal text so i can use them as variables